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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Ignore These 4 Health Myths: They're Actually Good for You

Health advice has changed drastically during the past decade, and modern science has proven that some "truths" you've been told and believed all of your life are completely wrong. The bad advice comes from well-meaning parents ("Drinking coffee will stunt your growth.") to doctors ("Drink skim milk; it's healthier."). Take a look at six common myths you may still believe are gospel.

Napping in the afternoon means you're lazy. An afternoon nap isn't just for babies and toddlers, and it certainly doesn't mean you're lazy. About a third of American adults enjoy a daily nap and studies show that a brief 10- to 20-minute nap can boost your alertness and creativity as well as help keep you healthy.

Just make sure you don't nap too long..



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