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Monday, April 24, 2017

How Liberals Are Poisoning The Minds Of Young Americans

Our kids are no longer taught about patriotism, morality, honor or self-reliance. They’re not taught economics. They’re not taught about the Constitution. The boys aren’t taught to be men and the girls aren’t taught to be women. In fact, if you find kids who know anything about these subjects, it is almost certainly because their parents bent over backwards to jam that knowledge into their heads.

Our society used to inculcate these values in schools, church and via our entertainment. It was a different and, in many ways, better world. Liberals try to portray everything that happened in America’s past as evil and backward, but when you look at statistics like these from Charles Murray’s outstanding book, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010, try and tell me that this country hasn’t gone downhill in the values we’re teaching our kids.

“To get a sense of how different attitudes were in the 1960s, perhaps this will do it. These ever-married women were asked, ‘In your opinion, do you think it is all right for a woman to have sexual relations before marriage with a man she knows she is going to marry?’ …Eighty-six percent said no.”

“Starting in 1970, marriage took a nosedive that lasted for nearly twenty years. Among all whites, ages 30-49, only 13 percent were not living with spouses as of 1970, Twenty years later, that proportion had more than doubled, to 27 percent — a change in a core social institution that has few precedents for magnitude and speed.”



  1. Leave it up to snowflake liberals to protect America and we will be speaking Islam.

  2. Thank G-D someone is finally talking about this. I've been saying it for years, that if only it weren't for libtards and their hippy-dippy B.S. (pro-homosexualness, pro-multiculturalism, anti-education, anti-punishment) this country would be in far better condition than it is today. We really need to do away with the public school system completely and go back to the times when our wives could stay home to teach our kids, but libtard Demonrat economic policies have made that impossible. I weep for our nation.

  3. What's the saying, hang with dogs and get flea's. I don't care to poke fun about personal looks, but notice the crowd hanging with that loser have a similar appearance. Not a good thing either.

  4. Since when is having values considered "white"?

  5. More crap blanket statements.


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