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Sunday, April 30, 2017

How Does A Liberal Get The Most Attention For An Upcoming Election...

In the case of Jake Day, lower taxes. BUT WAIT, there's a lot more to it.

It's the old bait and switch. While the rest of your local media headlines a tax decrease in Salisbury for both residential and business, you better know the details.

I spoke with one business owner recently who thought this was really cool. They own a business in Salisbury and thought they'd be getting a 6% decrease, WRONG! 
The ONLY decrease is going to be more like retail businesses where they'll get a 6% reduction in inventory taxes, that's it. So for most of the non retail businesses in Salisbury, NO SOUP FOR YOU!

As for the tax reduction for residential, it will only work with property owners who own and LIVE in their homes. That means 80% of Salisbury will NOT be receiving a tax decrease.

However, it all sounds good, IF you just read just the headlines. The difference being is, who will tell you the whole story. It's all about the sound bites and always has been for Liberals. 

The bigger question still remains, just what position is Jake Day preparing to run for?


  1. It will help the downtown retailers. They will save tax money on all their inventory that the section 8 people next door can't afford to buy.

  2. In my almost thirty year military career, most of the service members that professed a liberal slant also had a number of other traits that made them somewhat undesirable in a team environment. Having heard him speak and seeing his actions, that continues the trend!

    You voted for him - you should suffer what he gives you!

  3. See, so maybe you idiots, and you all are idiots, will start to understand, that it is all in the language and words they use... Just like when Obama, and all of the presidents put their hand on the constitution and swear they will up hold it, yet they use George Washington's, first rendition which didn't have the bill of rights in it, so they don't have to and they don't swear to up hold yuor rights... But you all don't know that becasue you didn't hear it from the lying media...

    Just like how a place like circuit city can say "SALE" and raise the price by ten dollars, and you all think you are getting a sale, becasue of the word sale, that is laughable... If you lazy dumb fat ass people would just research something, anything, you would figure this all out...

    No instead you rather just let whatever, happen however, and then get on a blog running your mouth about how you hate this or that, yet you never once thought to help make change you want to see... You rather blame other people for how stupid and lazy you are...

  4. Also sewer rates have been raised 60% dance Day took the helm-bait and switch is right!

  5. Somebody's finally officially admitting that landlords' houses are places of businesses.

  6. Hey Jake go watch 60 minutes

  7. Will help the Gilkersons.

  8. 1:09: you will get no where with your opinion due to your nasty, rude attitude.

  9. Has anyone reported what the Constant Yield is? I doubt the liberal media even knows what that is, but it would be helpful to know how much of the city's decrease in taxes is due to an increase in revenue from assessed values.

  10. 12:50 PM, I did not vote for him. Nobody had to vote in that election and he would have still been Mayor. Don't insinuate everyone voted for the jackass, we did not.

  11. Jake Day doesn't run on positions because people voting for him don't care about issues. That's pretty obvious. Look at Salisbury now. It's one big ghetto. Nice homes are way outside the city limits for more reasons than taxes. They don't want to be near the drug dealers and gangsters. Can you blame them? Day & Barbara may sit around believing their low crime rate rise but most smart citizens don't buy, build or live in the city limits anymore. They live as far out of town as they can.

  12. 1:09 Circuit City closed a long time ago my friend. Probably about the last time you set foot into the outside world. Don't like the way things are? Vote. Didn't win? Welcome to dumbocracy.

  13. 2:27 - doesn't mean he is wrong though!

  14. Wonder if a soup kitchen like soup nazi would do good downtown?

  15. Who is Running against this FOOL.

  16. There are bigger issues that he is ignoring.

    Homes for Sale in Salisbury MD and Wicomico County
    Currently, there are 366 active residential listings in the county, which includes single family, townhomes, condos, and duplexes.
    Short Sales and foreclosures in Salisbury and Wicomico County make up 13.7% of available residential properties.

    That means here in the county:
    1 in every 7 homes for sale is in foreclosure

    The average community foreclosure rate is:
    U.S. 1 in every 1588

    Top 5 States
    New Jersey 1 in every 495
    Maryland 1 in every 812
    Delaware 1 in every 844
    Nevada 1 in every 847
    Illinois 1 in every 861

  17. 3:01 - if you (singularly) live in the city limits, you (singularly) are stuck with him because you (collectively) elected him - either by voting for him or not voting enough for someone else!

  18. Oh my , how disappointing, I thought all
    the citizens were getting a 6% tax break
    AND I'm sure that's what he wanted
    people to believe.
    How pitiful this town has become.

  19. 3:37 PM - Geesh you idiot, do you even have a clue as to what the choices were? What the heck is wrong with you?

  20. 3:37 - HE RAN UNOPPOSED.
    And as far as I can tell YOU did nothing to stop it from happening either!
    But it is everyone else fault! Right? Not yours! Right?

  21. 3:37 I don't live in this dump lol

  22. Only 12% of the population voted because he was a shoe in and we knew there was nothing we could do about it. It was set up for him to get the position.

  23. 3:31 PM - two years ago the number of properties for sale in the county was over 500.

  24. 4:17 PM yea and? how many were in foreclosure? Winter is the slow season, so I am sure more will be coming on the market this spring.

  25. I'll not vote for him again.

  26. Someone needs to start a grassroots campaign like Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies did. They were the last elected members who really represented the everyday residents of Salisbury. Read the city budget very carefully. The city has been close to insolvent for a while.

  27. Most businesses keep a low inventory to begin with because of the tax so the most they will be able to increase inventory and pay the same tax is 6%.

  28. After the great Mayors this city has had,like Paul Martin,its an insult to them all to see this pantywaist liberal at the helm.

  29. Jake day why don't you setup camp out there in Hebron with the other Napoleon syndrome casualty bill cropper and see how you can screw things up out there

  30. Day is running against Andy Harris in 2020 and will easily defeat him.

  31. Very doubtful he'll win but its a no brainer that this has been his plan from the start. He lacks REAL VISION AND LEADERSHIP for anything going on in Annapolis. Daddy can't even buy his way into Annapolis with all the influence he has. His true mayoral flaws and the mess he's made of Salisbury will speak for itself

  32. Very doubtful he'll win but its a no brainer that this has been his plan from the start. He lacks REAL VISION AND LEADERSHIP for anything going on in Annapolis. Daddy can't even buy his way into Annapolis with all the influence he has. His true mayoral flaws and the mess he's made of Salisbury will speak for itself

  33. Well, I watched it when it came on earlier and it looks like the wool was almost pulled over the eyes our city. Apparently Boda and Ireton saw the numbers did not add up and pulled the truth out of how they got an additional 1.6 million dollars of revenue --- a 12% tax increase on rental and commercial properties. What a crock! I'm not an Ireton fan But props on catching it. Though a lot of this is his fault too. This should be the breaking news headline that Jakey boy is actually raising taxes after all that hoopla of the first tax cut in Salisbury's history. And it looks like the city got screwed in the Fire Services agreement.

  34. The truth isn't within JACOB DAY!!!

  35. One thing that you failed to mention that Jake Day and the media isn't promoting is the fact that the Sewer fees are going to INCREASE again this year.

    These political hacks like Jake Day and Jim Ireton LIE to you to make you think you are getting a break when in FACT you are not.

    Do a story on the increased sewer rates again for that abortion of a sewer plant and the replacement $80,000,000 failure that Bob Culver's buddy Paul Wilbur screwed up on!

  36. Having been a infantry recon soldier I would have loved to have him on one my patrols , we call it the disappearing act , by , by boy soldier we don't play soldier.

    1. Would be another chealse manning.

  37. He wouldn't make a pimple on an infantry soldiers a$$.


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