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Tuesday, April 04, 2017

HILARIOUS Cartoon Explains Who Liberals Will Never Tell To Leave…

Robert Gehl reports it’s supposed to be against the law for illegal immigrants to receive any sort of welfare assistance and that’s a problem for leftists.

Because they want everyone to benefit from the largesse that is the public dole, they need to come up with a way to get taxpayer dollars to these illegal aliens. And Rahm Emanuel has found a way.

The Chicago Mayor and his city council have approved city-issued identification cards to ensure that they will be able to receive the welfare and other public assistance the illegal aliens so rightly deserve.



  1. With people leaving the city in droves and Trump cutting them off at the knees, I wonder where they plan on getting the 1 million dollars. As for using this "Municipal" ID to get welfare, all Trump has to do is declare it not to be a valid form of ID.

  2. What the heck does Trump have to do with a CITY decision, 1:11? Read the law again... LOL!


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