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Thursday, April 06, 2017

Here's An Example Of A Local Expired Tag & No Stickers At All


  1. Top one has an FOP sticker on the lower left of the rear window.

  2. Of course these are cops cars... Or someone in their family... But even with evidence that they are breaking statutes or laws and all of that, the ass cheek sucking cop lovers will still argue that it is your fault as to why cops break the law... And that cops can never do any wrong even with evidence... Apparently the go to statement is, one less thug to suck off the system or you shouldn't have committed the crime...

  3. The FOP sticker car is from a former Salisbury police recruit that failed and went back to being a correctional officer. He knows better.

  4. Well, this unbelievable. This is by far the worst thing I have heard about our country today. (map)

  5. Guarantee #2 has the plate with the stickers on the front.

  6. If the stickers are on the front tag, it's likely that the plates don't belong on this vehicle.

  7. and yet the cars can be legally registered, just that the owner has not placed the stickers on tag yet.

  8. Minor traffic violation. Not the end of the world.


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