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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Gorsuch Nomination -- You Better Act Now!

Are you sick and tired of partisan politics in Washington DC? I am!

The Supreme Court is nowhere for petty partisan fights and that’s what is going on in DC.

Please contact our two US Senators, Cardin and Van Hollen, and ask them to be reasonable about Neil Gorsuch’s nomination. Gorsuch is eminently qualified. He is supported by liberals, independents, conservatives and folks from different backgrounds who have all come out in strong support of Judge Gorsuch because he has proven he is a judge committed to all people. He is someone who can help bring back faith in the court and law.

Call to Action: Be respectful and brief and call or email both your senators TODAY! Ask them to vote YES to confirm Neil Gorsuch and no on the filibuster.

Update on our two Senators from CNN today:

Sen. Ben Cardin (Maryland) -- Cardin also hasn't announced whether he'll run for re-election. He told CNN last week that he plans to vote against Gorsuch's nomination in the end, but he hasn't made a decision on whether he'll vote to maintain the filibuster.

"I came out today against the nominee, so I'll be voting 'no' on the substance. I'm waiting to see what the Republican leadership (does), how they present the nomination on the floor and how they work with the Democrats. There's still a lot of anxiety out there because of the way they handled the Garland nomination. So I will wait to see how they handle this nomination before deciding what I will do on procedural votes." -- To CNN on 3/28/2017


Senator Van Hollen plans to vote no and filibuster:


Thank you for making sure our voices are heard.


  1. Cardin may be flexible on the filibuster, so be sure to send your comment to him. Van Hollen is hopeless IMO.

  2. Gorsuch is better qualified than anyone the Democrats have placed on the SCOTUS in recent years. This is purely biased politics at play here. This appointment is one replacing the late conservative Justice Scalia, and should not be based on party politics, but qualifications to uphold the Constitution by judging each case brought before them. The current liberal justices have not done that and have proven they are not complying with their own sworn oaths. Maybe we need an amendment to place term limits on these justices.

  3. I'm sorry - I have lived in MD too long to believe either ruling class elite cares a whit about my position or anything else but themselves.

  4. So is Cardin. Face it this state is blue to the core

  5. Sorry, 7:37, Ben Cardin always follows the Democrat party line and can not think for himself.

  6. Simple. change the rules to allow simple majority vote and case will be closed!! Give those losers a taste of their own medicine.

  7. 8:06 then Trump would have lost the presidency...

  8. Lost cause. If the rest of the democrat party told cardin and vanhollond to eat a crap sandwich they would without question happily gulp it down. 2 followers is all they are who are useless to society and deserve no respect as respect is earned and these 2 have not earned it.

  9. The Party of Liberal Jim!

  10. HUH 8:36 we are talking SENATE RULES and not the election of a US president. 2 completely different things. You dumbed down people are too much. It's best you all keep quiet then continue proving your utter and sheer ignorance. And I bet you think you are "educated" because that's how you ignoramuses think. Such a tool and a fool you dumbed down ignoramuses are. Nothing but a tool. What a sad pathetic useless life you lead being nothing but a tool.

  11. I know these are 2 useless Senators. They only vote a straight DumbocRAT ticket. I have seen comments positive to Cardin but his voting record does not reflect nothing but straight DumbocRATic party line voting record just like the useless Van Holland. They always vote the money backers that are all out of State not for the State of MD citizens.

  12. 7:51 you are correct.

  13. Both of these clowns "Know what's best" for lining their pockets. They don't know what a Constitution is! Our opinions don't make the impact of fly poop on a tabletop to them.

  14. We still try to appeal to the voted elite (Congress) - they never ever listen. Tantrums, absolutely - listening, nope!.

  15. Screw them both. Id rather see the rules changed before I call either of them.

  16. Both senators got my email this morning, for all the good it will do.

  17. I emailed these 2 crooked liars. It would not surprise me if they were rejected. That would give them an out for not receiving them. I know I wasted my time but they cannot say I don't walk the walk. There is a lot of talk the talk in these comments that need to walk the walk which would give them more credibility.


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