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Thursday, April 06, 2017

GOP calls for IRS Commissioner John Koskinen to be fired

Congress’s top tax expert led Republicans Wednesday in demanding President Trump fire IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, saying the tax agency cannot be repaired as long as he’s at the helm.

“Trust in the IRS is hitting rock-bottom,” the Republicans, led by Rep. Kevin Brady, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said in a letter calling on Mr. Trump to take action.

The 15 committee Republicans said not only did the IRS destroy evidence from key figure Lois G. Lerner’s computer in the tea party targeting probe, but the agency also “intentionally” made the tax experience painful for customers in order to make a political point to the GOP.

The Republicans said Mr. Koskinen, who was installed as commissioner in 2013 and charged with cleaning up the agency, has shown he can’t do it.

Mr. Koskinen’s term is scheduled to expire in November already, but the Republicans said Mr. Trump can’t wait that long to oust him — particularly at a time when Congress is trying to rewrite the tax code.



  1. Drain the Fn swamp TRUMP ?

  2. Do Away with the IRS (America's KGB ) and Fire him too !!

    Oh yes > Prosecute that Lois Lerner too ...Don't let her go

  3. Another dysfunctional branch of the Fed govt that needs to go. Simplify the tax code and do away with the IRS!

  4. Why the Hell hasn't Trump fired COMEY!! Drain the swamp includes the FBI, ICE, BP, NSA, SS, CIA, etc.

    What the Hell is he waiting for? For Obama to order his arrest?


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