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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fitton: Documents Confirm that Obama IRS Improperly Targeted Conservatives

Judicial Watch continues to undercover the details of the Obama IRS’s arbitrary and capricious behavior toward those presumed to be “enemies” of President Obama.

Last week JW released 695 pages of new documents containing admissions by IRS officials that the agency used “inappropriate political labels” to screen the tax-exempt applications of conservative organizations. Other records reveal that the IRS was going to require 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations to restrict their alleged political activities if they opted for “expedited consideration” of their tax-exempt applications.

The documents were produced after a revelation by the IRS that it had located “an additional 6,924 documents of potentially responsive records” relating to a 2015 Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the Obama IRS targeting scandal. These new records are the first batch of nearly 7,000 documents that had been hidden from JW, Congress, and the American people.

Of the 695 pages of documents released by the IRS, 422 (61 percent) were completely blacked out.

More here


  1. Remember, folks, this was done under President Obama's direction. He spoke, they violated our rights. Call it what it is, conspiracy and malfeasance in office, violations of the law and oath of the presidency.

  2. The Russians did it.

  3. They all need to be punished and no one should be receiving any type of government check or benefits. They should also be forced to repay what they have received since they left government office. Even if this means confiscate all their assets. This was a conspiracy from Obama down.


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