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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Family leave bill passes, with adjustments

Though strongly opposed by resort business owners and officials, the Maryland Healthy Families Act was passed by a veto-proof majority in the General Assembly and now sits on Gov. Larry Hogan’s desk waiting for his signature or veto.

Should the governor decide not to endorse the legislation, it will still become law without his signature, and a veto probably wouldn’t even cause a delay before the provisions become active on Jan. 1, 2018. Should he veto it, lawmakers can vote to override his rejection when the next session begins on Jan. 8.

But the resort ended up getting a little bit of what it wanted.

Under the legislation, business owners with more than 14 employees are required to provide one hour of paid sick leave, at the rate the employee usually earns, for every 30 hours worked. Firms with fewer than 14 workers must provide one hour of unpaid leave for every 30 hours worked.



  1. Time for employers to start whining in 1, 2, 3...........

    Finally a win for employees.

    1. Why 14? Why not 25 or 50 which are reasonable numbers

  2. 12:55 - Don't think employers will whine much; they'll just pack their bags and follow the other companies that have already left the ST in a fiscal fiasco. Wonder how many employees will follow to further shrink the tax base.

  3. 2:57 PM If they are that stupid, then bye! Oh no the sky is falling because I have to pay people sick time!! Ridiculous. Its 2017, time to grow up and start treating people like humans and not slaves. If you can't afford to pay some one a few sick days then you probably shouldn't be in business anyhow. Its either that or you are simply an a$$hat.

  4. Intelligent employers already offer sick time. Only the greedy twerps don't.
    Most spiteful idiots will insist on a doctors note, so in reality, you will only be getting your money back that you had to spend on the doctor visit that you didn't really need.

    Its a poorly and ridiculously written law.
    It is like saying, well, you are eligible for healthcare after 30 days but you can't use it until you have actually worked here for 106 days, but then there is the caveat that if you do get sick between 107 and 120 days you have to self pay to go see the doctor and then we will decide.

    How I love when co-workers show up sick and spread it around. I love getting sick because some one could not stay home because some greedy twerp is too stupid to realize the value in paying a sick day.

  5. 4:52
    Enough people and companies left the state when O'Malley was Governor because of taxes. This is just another way to tax a business. We don't need more leaving. Maryland is not that big of a state. Companies can move a short distance to another state. Rather than burden a small business with this how about people plan ahead. Look into the future. Put some money in a savings account so when you do get sick you have some saved. People always look to someone else to bail them out. If you can't save money for an emergency you need to find a second job or a better job.

  6. 5:19 PM ha ha ha, didn't take long for the employers to start whining, eh.
    No it is not a tax, and gee on that $10/hr you are paying me with NO benefits you expect that I can squirrel away a couple of bucks to cover my illness because you are either too stupid or too greedy to pay me a sick day?

    And the 'bury wonders why they cant find good employees. Hysterical. Yes you, are a typical hysterical joke.

    I had an employer call me recently to offer me a job. $11/hr no benefits to run their million+ dollar business. When I asked, whats up with the person you have? Their reply was, we just cant find good dedicated people - I laughed, yea it is ALWAYS the people, can't be that no one, me included is going to be dedicated for $11 and no benefits.

    Are you people really that stupid?

  7. 5:59
    You know what they say about people that assume. I am not an employer. Maybe you are not worth more than $11 an hour. Many fast food chains are million dollar businesses and you still don't deserve $11 an hour. Supply and demand. If you get so upset over something posted on a blog you probably shouldn't be managing anyone or anything.

  8. 5:59....your point is flawed. I have tried hiring people recently and the fact is, more people today don't want to work. The benefits to not work are in their favor. And yes, I offered a complete benefits package including sick leave. We always have. Did you try to negotiate your hiring? If you are working for somebody that doesn't offer some benefits that you want, start looking for another job and quit whining about it. I'm all about taking care of quality employees and people that deserve their worth, but last thing businesses need is more rules, reg's and BS shoved down our throat from big "G". Maybe these companies that don't offer benefits that you're looking for have been taxed to death or some other reg's have forced them to this position. Just my honest opinion.....


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