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Monday, April 03, 2017

Dr. Ben Carson Shocked as AUDIT of Obama’s HUD Dept. Finds BILLIONS of Dollars in Errors!

It has become clear this week that Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been a black hole for taxpayer money.

Of course, HUD has always been known to be one of those departments where abuse runs rampant. As an example, the city of San Antonio, Texas which was run by an up and coming Democrat named Julian Castro, may have misappropriated over 1 million dollars in federal neighborhood stabilization funds. With that in mind, it was very surprising to most government watchdogs that Obama picked Castro to be the HUD secretary during his term.

So, apparently no one saw any potential problems with Castro. But now….

The Daily Caller reports:

Despite officials from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) correcting $520 billion in bookkeeping errors, the department’s financial records have been so poorly kept that HUD’s inspector general (IG) cannot complete an audit of them.

According to a new report from the IG, HUD officials cleaned up $3.4 billion in errors from its 2015 financial records and $516.4 billion in errors from 2016, after the IG was unable to issue an opinion on either year’s financial statements in December.



  1. Thank you, Ben Carson. I gave to your campaign because I knew you were an up and up person who would always be honest and up front. I'm glad to see you are doing your best in a bad situation!

  2. This is one reason why every department in the government should be audited completely. No telling what you will find.

    1. And very easy to know what we won't find... $$$,$$$,$$$

  3. Gee, what a surprise.

  4. Dr. Carson for Auditor General! It is truly amazing that one sector of the government cannot account for a half-trillion dollars. The thieves need to be shot in public. This is a perfect example of not having any oversight on government spending.

  5. Had Hillary won the election we wouldn't be hearing anything from this department except that it needed more funding.

  6. Unbelievable that there's absolutely zippy accountability. Surprised - absolutely I am!! Systems of checks/balances as well as bi/tri-annual audits by financial folks....

    Non-politico appointee heads should roll!

  7. And what will the action be to his finding and HUDS? Little or nothing I would say.

  8. Morans...$500B is not gone. The book keeping have been corrected so the money are in The correct account.
    Bad book keeping is sometimes just bad book keeping. As well as illegal contacts with Russia just is...kind of illegal.


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