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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Donald Trump Invites Conservative Media to White House for Exclusive Briefing

President Donald Trump met with a group of conservative media reporters, columnists, and radio hosts to discuss his first 100 days as president, speaking about trade issues, foreign policy, and infrastructure spending.

Representatives from Breitbart News were present for the event.

The event was billed as a reception, as White House aides and members of the press office mingled with about 20-30 individuals from conservative media outlets to discuss Trump’s first 100 days and issues of importance.

But the event turned into an impromptu press conference after the president entered the room flanked by senior advisers Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, and Jared Kushner. At one point economic advisor Gary Cohn peered in the door to view the event.



  1. President Trump be careful Fox is turning into CNN II

  2. Good. This is how press conferences *should* be done. If the Liberal Media isn't interested in covering the many good things President Trump is doing, they should be excluded from the press conferences all together. They're only there to try to tear down this President, anyway.


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