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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Dog Missing In Pittsville

He went missing in Pittsville. My contact number is 443-859-5450


  1. Animal control should have contacted him by now....

  2. Why.....Are you saying he was turned over to them

  3. Animal control should have contacted the owner by now to question him why he failed to keep a dangerous breed contained and under his control, and what he's doing to find his animal. I'm sure they have some questions for him. He published his number, and animal control would be remiss if they did not contact him. Its too late after that dog injures or kills somebody, or another owners pet.

  4. Wow seriously.....I know plenty of pits who are as lovable as can be.....We own one lol....You sir or madam need an education...Oh and btw hs tie out is not broken so they believe it's possible someone took him

  5. He wouldn't hurt anyone. Hes a very loving sweet spoiled dog thank you very much ! And I hate to burst your idiotic bubble but i have contacted animal control. Hoping he had been found be cause he has a family and a 4 year old little girl who misses and loves him very much ! He wouldn't hurt a fly but he should hurt stupid people like you ! Hiding behind anon. Your pathetic. Maybe you should research before you pass your unwanted judgment !

  6. Look at him . does he really look like he could hurt anyrhinf !

  7. My daughter has epilepsy. Her first ever service dog was a Pit Bull. He was an amazing dog that wouldn't hurt a fly. He's also terribly missed. Pit bulls are NOT bad dogs and it is NOT their fault they have an awful reputation. If you look at the dog in this picture you can clearly see he is loved and obviously missed or his owners wouldn't be looking for him. You know nothing about the dog or how he became lost so don't be so quick to judge, you're obviously a part of the whole reason why pit bulls have a horrid rep. Stop being so judgementel,if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. At the end of the day that's somebodies pet, that's somebodies baby, that's some child's best friend.

  8. Pathetic and uneducated at best....

  9. Obviously, you haven't actually done research on pitbulls. Keep in mind, little dogs are expected to bite more than a pit bull. They're just big dogsled of course if they bite, it's going to be known. Also keep in mind that the media loves to make "victims" such as poor pitbull dogs. Media targeted them after their loyalty and commitment were used against them in dog fighting. Now people like you are so idiotic that you can't see the actual dog, you see what the media has done to bash this breeds name.

  10. Obviously this dog isn't going to hurt anyone look at him. She contacted animal control the day he went missing and they know what he looks like etc so if they were to get him they know who to call. Pathetic to say he would hurt someone or people should be questioned about him just because he is a pit bull.

  11. If your interested Pittsville area​ please keep looking he was spotted near the post office yesterday

  12. Help bring him home it's his mommy's birthday and that would make her day if he made it home today

  13. Do your research. Despite being loved, Pitbulls are a dangerous and unpredictable bread. In 2016 alone, 71% of all dog related deaths were confirmed to be Pitbulls. Statistics can be found on dogbite.org


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