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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Detective Opens Recovery House In Salisbury

SALISBURY – An Ocean Pines Police detective in search of answers to the growing heroin epidemic has opened a new recovery house in Salisbury with the support of family, friends and community members.

Tish Ottey, founder of the new Douglas K. Hamilton House for Recovery, said she realized the need for additional resources after the heroin epidemic made its way into the Ocean Pines community in 2012. The arrests that shortly followed, she said, was a concern.

“As police officers, I thought we should know the answers,” she said, “and I was at a loss.”

Ottey explained that police officers weren’t aware of resources available to the addicts and concerned family members.

“It’s something we as police officers have been dealing with for some time,” she said.

Last year, Ottey joined the Worcester County Warriors Against Opiate Addiction in an effort to learn about and provide resources.



  1. Close the Freaking boarders and build the wall if you want to see a dramatic cut in Heroin overdoses! Dumb Ass Liberals!

  2. This is laughable. How many arrests have you made for heroin Ottey?? My guess is less than 10. This is a pipe dream by a wanna be cop. Won't last a year. Mark my words.

  3. Oh great more handouts for drug addicts and pity parties..

    1. Totally agree. That money could be used to help middle class familes sending children college

  4. think its funny an Ocean Pines Detective open a recovery house in Salisbury why did she not open it in Ocean Pines oh i know just bring all the druggies to Salisbury it wont effect the crime that don't get reported

  5. Hope when they find them using in the house they actually Lock them up! You can't help these people! $5 says within the first 2 months this house is so run down it is unreal!!!!

  6. Yeah why not ocean pines in her own neighborhood????? No bring drug addicts and many of their enabling and addicted friends and family members to visit- nice addition to

  7. I think it's funny that you all don't even have the balls to write your name ..... your uneducated anonymous remarks are idiotic. Detective Ottey is bringing a lot of care and help to those in desperate need for second chance... There is Heroin everywhere, it's not being brought to Salisbury, it's already there.

    Learn something before you attempt to call someone out.

    1. So increase the already soaring problem that exists. Heroin is fresh so to say in these parts. The addicts around here are still passing out. Not even in the able to stand and lean phase. Whereas the idea and thought is noble, why not in your community. Who wants a heroin house in their neighborhood around their family and kids. Expecially one that may be outsourcing addicts.

  8. I think it's a good thing. WTF something has to be done.

  9. 12:59 care to explain how building a wall will stop heroin overdoses? As if the cartels are just having people walk across the border with bundles of it. Sea and tunnels my friend. But if they never say the word ocean or tunnels on Fox news there's no way for you to know what they mean eh?

  10. As a Salisbury police officer, at the risk of sounding insensitive (but I really don't care) Salisbury has enough care facilities already that attract addicts to the city, where they only cause more problems for the law abiding citizens and law enforcement! Why couldn't you have opened it up in Ocean Pines? My guess is the people there were smart enough to not approve such a place. They say no good deed goes unpunished, but it's the people of Salisbury that will be punished for your "good deed".

    1. True and bringing more stress and work to an already overworked police force.

  11. God bless this officer a great example you are to any community.

  12. I hope you people that are so negative don't have a person you care for ever fall victom to an addiction. You will see first hand how this disease effects everyone. God bless the person doing this because it is needed even though Salisbury has Recover Resoirce Center, 1/2 way houses, Hudson Center, White Flint and other recovery outlets.

  13. I pray that all the negative comments don't live to eat their words and bury their child. Thank God for any and all help.

  14. Wow some of you folks are very miserable people. Your glass isn't half empty or hafe full it's shattered. Reading some of the negative comments makes my life not seem so bad and as for the Salisbury police officer all puppies are probably going to end up being in a illegal dog fighting ring LOL

  15. 30 overdoses per week and some weeks there can be many on the just the weekend PRMC emergency room. This is every week 52 weeks a year on the low estimate that's at least 1500 per year. Wicomico county has no heroin problem at all it's an epidemic Who ever wants to help is ALWAYS WELCOME and for those that do not shut up and move on in your fantasy world .To the so called Salisbury police officer there is a job waiting for you at the mall Mr. Paul Bart jr.

  16. She should open it in Nithsdale or Westbury/Centennial.

  17. Where is this house , near downtown ??


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