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Sunday, April 23, 2017



  1. Right where he belongs.

  2. Now I hope the judge sends a strong message and locks this thug up for a long time.

  3. They all need this lesson and example. Just do it.

  4. If this kid had no issues with strangling his principal, how far could it have escalated if there was no one else there to stop it? This should be an attempted second degree murder charge. I do not know the minimum sentence for a first degree assault, but it is likely a far cry from attempted murder. If this kid wants to strangle his ass. principal, I'm almost positive he would be inclined to murder his employer after any form of reprimand or review. If they allow this a**hole back in school, there is considerable alarm for the rest of the students.

    1. Very true, he needs to be punished in a way that sends a STRONG message to all kids at schools

    2. liberal prosecutors and judges they do this so the thugs prey on dems to cause Chaos.

  5. Stay with me, this might be a little long winded,

    When I turned 13 I couldn't wait to earn my own income, outside of an allowance that would not allow me to afford a car, at the very least, a computer to let me log into this new phenomenon called the internet ( I'm now 40 years old). I started at the local chicken shack in Pocomoke and quickly got a better job at the local gas station. When I was almost 17, I bought a 1983 Honda Accord, a classic! Sgt. Dale Trotter gave me a hell of a deal. Just $600 with about 120k miles. Back when Main St, may as well of been Park Ave., I put about 1,000 miles my first week of tagging my car and without driving more than 30 miles from home. It was a privilege I proudly felt I had earned. My own PC and then my unassisted payments for college proceeded my new found seance of independence.
    I have no idea what it takes or where a 13 year old can work in this day and age, but that's how I stayed out of trouble.
    I would think if schools had programs to set up any teen who wants, or is able to work, high school job fairs seem to make the most sense.
    Ask any male without a good woman, it is likely a good job keeping him from getting into trouble. I would assume similar circumstances apply to the "fairer sex."
    It absolutely makes sense in my story, and would likely assist the youth with consequences in the real world. Students who would likely get into trouble, not really knowing how much more difficult their poor choices affect them, long term, may learn those lessons much sooner, and hopefully learn from them. The knowledge of an honest day's pay, the sooner, maybe the better. Just saying.

  6. Daquan be profilin'

  7. You can thank the democrats for this one. This kid had no business even being in school and most likely didn't want to be there to begin with. But thanks to the filth that is the democrat party and it's garbage voters he was still made to be there when they passed the law preventing them from leaving until 17 yrs of age. It's a shame a democrat will sacrifice their own children because they really don't like their own children much less love them but some parents so care and don't want these violent troublmakers in the schools.

    1. yup we praise the thugs that disrupt the 99% of good kids.the punk asses need to be EXPELLED and let the lazy welfare sit at home parents thug it out.

  8. WTF why wasnt he charged with attempted murder ? this punk will do Zero time and kill someone else before he is 25 mark my words and i pray its a liberal that gets it.

  9. The states atty is a Fn joke 16 yo dont get charged with Attempted Murder ? NEEDS TO BE FIRED.

  10. What influence did his father have on him regarding his upbringing?

  11. What will he be when he leaves prison?

    1. prison ????? lolol with these wicomico liberal snowflake judges ?

    2. Happy to be out because its going to be hell for him. Expecially since he apparently has no structure and respect. He is about to see tough

  12. Heres somethimg to think about. If you paint EVERY situation in the lens of Dems vs Reps, or black vs white, you might be a biit more loony than you think.

  13. Anonymous said...
    What influence did his father have on him regarding his upbringing?

    April 20, 2017 at 10:14 PM

    Is that a trick question?

  14. why weren't his parents charged? every fed state reg is on the schools when does the state hold the parent / perp responsible? hopefully he'll be in hail long enough for my kid to get out of there before he comes back!

    1. He wont do more than 2 yrs probation Watch.

  15. Kids aren't afraid of the law... So either way no change in behavior.

    1. Thank there welfare mom for that.

  16. No father. Just a baby daddy.

  17. He was doomed as soon as his parents gave him that name...

    1. Thats because they want the idiot to stand out lol in a line up.

  18. well lets see what happens to the bunch that shut down the school the other week. get em out! send them to juvie delinquent school. All they really need to know is how to apply for welfare and how much education do they need for that? they'll get the rest of their education in jail! change your behavior or go back to jail!
    simple really!

    1. liberal judge = zero real sentance bc there black FACT.

  19. poor kid never had a chance in life with a first name like that way to go mom

  20. If that was my wife I would be in prison.

  21. You people never cease to amaze me on here w/ the welfare comments when just as many if not more Caucasians are obtaining assistance and most are full time working people struggling to make it.

    1. That's because Caucasians are 80 percent of the country

  22. You people never cease to amaze me on here w/ the welfare comments when just as many if not more Caucasians are obtaining assistance and most are full time working people struggling to make it.

  23. You people,?? Is that you April? It never ceases to amaze me how there's a whole generation of black youth either heading to the cemetery or prison. If it is you April congrats on your gtandson pkeafong out to first degree murder charge. Us people's we be holding it down for you

  24. And what plea down will occur for Mr. Parks? Will he be like that other guy who just committed his second murder after being incarcerated twice since the age of 17 (now 26)? Will he be like that guy where they put him away for a day and then expect by some miraculous intervention within the walls of ECI he'll come out a law-abiding citizen read to serve his community and be a good neighbor?

  25. @7:10. You are absolutely wrong. I see these blacks in the grocery stores and the Wal Mart and other places all the time and every single one of them seem to have that welfare card. And it is rare for me to see a white use one. I have seen them, but very very few. And struggling to make it. Maybe if they stop pumping out so darn many babies just to get that welfare, it would not be so bad for them. You are being watched. What gets me is that they use that card and then go out and get in a big suv. Where did the money come from for their vehicles if they are struggling so much?????

  26. 11:52 How can a "plea down" occur when he has been found guilty by a jury. There are sentencing guidelines that are used to determine the sentence. What does seem to happen often is the suspending most of the time of incarceration. This cuts the person a break until they violated parole/probation and the entire sentence can be enforced.

  27. Stop parents from beating their thug kids rear ends and you get kids who are afraid of nothing...they don't care if police parents or school members talk to them..talking does nothing.The only thing that gets through to these types of kids is an old fashion whooping..Thank the liberals for taking that away from parents,it has been the death of respect and discipline.I know if I was threatened with a belt I would tow the line.

  28. Damn I'm white and some of you embarrass me! This little creep deserves to have the book thrown at him but when people start going off on a racist tangent,your opinion on the matter can't be taken seriously anymore.

  29. Our teachers have a terrible work environment. It's about on par with what the correctional guards deal with. A shame our good students are forced to try to learn in this type of environment. We should all be thankful for our teachers, police, correctional guards, military and others who do jobs the rest of us cringe at.


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