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Sunday, April 02, 2017

COS: Public Notice Of Closed Session 4-3-17


  1. I'm just curious , are these closed sessions recorded so the public can find out who , what and when things are going on?


  2. Probably another promotion and big bucks to one of the mare's acolytes.

  3. It seems every week they meet in closed session, there can not be that many personnel, legal, etc. problems. These closed sessions are to hide something or for other nefarious reasons which they are hiding from the citizens of Salisbury. They need to be investigated by the state for these reasons!!

  4. 6:07 AM, to answer to question in one word, NO. Good ole boy system at work real good here.

  5. Why closed? The people have a right to know what is going on in these meetings. Who do they think they are?


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