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Friday, April 21, 2017

Congratulations North Korea!


  1. Thank you United States school system for these idiots!

  2. Laugh now but these are the idiots voting DEMOCRAT They will destroy America look how close there buddy hillary nearly became President ?

  3. Now we know why the end of our county is near. If this is the future leaders of America, GOD HELP US!!!!

  4. US Citizens are the laughing stock of the world. Everywhere I go around the globe, people are astounded that I know how to accomplish things and am so worldly, because their impression of the average IQ of a US citizen is equated to a toad. My thermostat is set higher than most IQ's in our country. So sad!

  5. Look to be fair if they went down south or even to Crisfield there are idiots that can't read or spell. Idiots are everywhere and come in every shape and size lol

  6. Congratulations for not blowing yourself up, North Korea! (Or not.)

  7. And they get to vote!

  8. This should scare the heck out of us all. No, they weren't in Somerset County, but it concerns me that these "minds of mush" (Rush), are alive and well. This is sad because these citizens likely vote, therefore for anyone they are told to vote for. You see this on TV often, and it's not meant to be a laughing matter.

  9. THAT IS SO SAD!!!!!

  10. These snowflakes are so stupid. They do or say anything without putting any thought into it. This is the result of a liberal left brain washing all through public school. It is so far beyond ignorant and stupid it is really sad. And when all the normal thinkers are dead and gone THIS is what we have to look forward to running our country. It is so scary to think of a future run by these idiots. All I can say is thank god we still have some older, wiser non-snowflake people still around to keep things going today. But the future may be another story.


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