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Monday, April 03, 2017

Christian group threatens Department of Ed over publicly funded ‘Islamic indoctrination’

The U.S. Department of Education is funding an “Access Islam” program on PBS LearningMedia that “is nothing more than indoctrinating students into Islamic religious beliefs, duties and action,” according to Christian Action Network president Martin Mawyer.

CAN sent a “Letter of Demand” to end the Islamic education program to both PBS and the Education Department, and is threatening a federal lawsuit if they fail to take action.

“If you go to the PBS LearningMedia website and pull up the Islamic education programs, they have the Department of Education seal on it, and it says, ‘funded by the Department of Education,’” Mawyer told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight.

“So we took a look at these various programs that available for the public schools, and we were quite frankly shocked at some of the lesson plans students have to achieve in the classroom,” he said. “For instance, teachers are expected to ask their students, ‘What does a Muslim prayer sound like?’ ‘What do Muslim prayer movements look like?’ ‘What are some of the things Muslims say when they are praying?’

“And you have to ask yourself a question: Why does the federal government find it necessary that our kids – grades 5 through 12 – know what a Muslim prayer sounds like? … How can a teacher grade a student on these types of questions?”

In a press release, CAN highlighted lessons on the LearningMedia site that encourage students to “focus on learning about the core duties of Muslims,” and “read about what it means to proclaim faith or belief in a Muslim.”



  1. Sue the heck out of them.

  2. Hello Betsy - abolish THIS!

  3. Thank Obastard and Snowflakes for this.

  4. Well if you can sue these knuckleheads then sue the schools in general because they have after school club for kids called satin club and they teach satanism

  5. Why was it when something offends Islams / muslims and minorities then the ACLU has it removed / changed. Now they institute this trash and you hear nothing from the ACLU. It offends me ALCU now do something.

  6. I will no longer support PBS. You either provide the same level of education for all faith or you provide none. People who want a faith based education for their children can fund that with tuition in a private school setting.

  7. How can anyone condone teaching Islam in public schools when you have banned The Lord's Prayer and the pledge to the American flag. They used the argument of separation of church and state. Well I guess nobody told the idiots that Islam is a religion.

  8. EWhat happened to seperation of church and State?


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