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Monday, April 03, 2017

Cardin talks infrastructure with Shore lawmakers

ANNAPOLIS — Courting predominantly Republican Eastern Shore lawmakers, U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, a Democrat, assured the delegation he shared their concerns and was willing to work across the aisle to address them.

Infrastructure, including roads and broadband communications, was one of the main issues legislators voiced at this last delegation meeting of the session at 9 a.m. Friday, March 31, in the Lowe House Office Building.

But underlying that concern was the lawmakers’ collective need for assurances the tax reform they desire won’t mean federal funding cuts to programs affecting their constituents.

Attracting and retaining industries and jobs, tax relief for businesses, backfilling possible federal cuts in funding state programs and Pennsylvania sharing the burden for the health of the Chesapeake Bay were the other concerns presented to Cardin.



  1. Beware. Look out trouble for the Eastern Shore is coming if Cardin is attempting to connive / work with the Eastern Shore Delegation. Cardin has never had anything to do with the Eastern Shore What is his gimmick? Is he attempting to help Van Holland since nobody likes Van Holland as their Senator. These are two of a kind hypocrites. They must be trying to get the Eastern Shore Delegation in a trap to go against the Federal money cuts coming because of the Baltimore / DC corridor sanctuary policies.

  2. Cardin is a good man.

  3. There is no "Aisle" there anymore than there is a difference between the R's and the D's. Both wings of the same bird and both hating Trump. They all need to be lined up against a wall and shot so we can start over.

    There are a very few exceptions, Andy.

  4. Cardin doesn't know squat about infrastructure or financial stewardship. For Chrissakes, the man has never held a job in his life. The only life experience he has is spending other people's money.


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