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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

BREAKING NEWS President Trump proposed a plan to sharply lower individual tax rates, eliminate most deductions and drop the alternative minimum tax

President Trump proposed sharp reductions in both individual and corporate income tax rates, reducing the number of individual income tax brackets to three — 10 percent, 25 percent and 35 percent — and easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the rich.


  1. Sounds like a plan.

  2. There ha to be a catch, just wait for it!!!!! Just like with their revised Obama bin laden care package, all they did was change who you paid the tax to, as if you would not know other wise, so instead of the govt getting the money the insurance company's will collect it... But you people are to dumb to know any better or to research anything and you can;t seem to figure out the hidden messages and back doors of these legislation...

  3. This is AWESOME but nazi democrats will block it.

  4. 3:13 When you call us all stupid you should probably attempt to use some decent grammar and spelling-just a thought genius!

  5. Lower taxes??? I will bet a month's salary that not one democrat will support this!

  6. They didn't simplify the tax laws, they didn't eliminate the IRS, this is still the same old government shell game!

    1. Trump campaigned on this tax law. He never mentioned eliminating IRS and it saves money. YOU didn't vote Trump so why do you care?

  7. It sounds like I would still be paying the same, and my 21 year old son may do a little better by $1k. Helps with minimum wage and +$ lower wage earners who really need it to maybe get out on their own someday.

    Simplifying the process is YUGE, and that helps with filing fees. At least he's working in the right direction.

    Thank you, Mr. President!

  8. Not going to help the middle class much other than possibly eliminate the need to long file if using the increased standard deduction. Estate tax kicks in a 5 million, AMT hits those with >$200K and lots of deductions and the jump for 10 to 25% hurts if you just hit the target for 25%.

    Allowing companies to bring back foreign money without penalty (amnesty) would spur R&D - growth.

    Remember, this is a plan/proposal and not guaranteed to be what eventually gets passed. Don't go getting all worked up over it.


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