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Thursday, April 06, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: The embattled House Intelligence Committee chief, Devin Nunes, will step aside from an inquiry on Trump aides’ ties to Russia

Representative Devin Nunes, the embattled California Republican who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, announced on Thursday he would step aside from leading his committee’s investigation into Russia’s efforts to disrupt last year’s presidential election.


  1. This is all just a diversion to hide Ob's current disruptive activities..

  2. LOVE IT now Trey Gowdy will hammer them LOL.

  3. Shows again the weak Republicans giving in. The Dumbocrats would never take this route and continue. This shows that who the voters vote in does not matter since they will never have a backbone and continually allow themselves to be bullied.

  4. 12:32, What the hell are you talking about????????????????????? (map)


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