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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Boy Mayor Jake Day Misleads The Public Once Again On Fire Service Agreement & So Did The Press

While ALL of your other media sources not only attended the recent press conference referencing the fire service agreement, the Boy Mayor made statements that just are not true. Just because the Mayor says something does NOT mean it's true. Sadly while the media was handed all the information you'll read below, they once again refused to crunch the numbers and instead simply went by whatever Day told them.

First of all, there WILL be a new Fire Station 1 and it will most likely be on Mt. Hermon Road. The Volunteers will ALSO have the opportunity to take over the fire service at the Airport, which will bring them a ton of funds, especially if they start doing some training there. 

The FAA will actually put up a ton of money to build a brand new station, (that won't cost taxpayers) and could perhaps end up being the nicest fire station in the County. They will get an immediate $300,000.00 a year from the County and if they start training there they will also get an additional $250,000.00 a year. Keep in mind, Piedmont will stop funding the fire service in the very near future and the County will have to take on this expense, no matter what, if they want to keep the airport. This is a demand from the FAA.

Now, as far as the new fire service agreement, the City will NOT exceed their service beyond the Bypass, except in the immediate area of WorWic, so Day got that wrong. Wicomico County actually paid out MORE money last year to the City then they will now pay under this new agreement, that's a fact. So Day got that wrong as well. 

While it is now well known that Chief Rick Hoppes will be retiring in a little more then a year from now, he demanded the County pay the City $2,200,000.00 a year ABOVE and beyond what the County was already providing. After numerous meetings Boy Day brought that figure down to $1,100,000.00 ABOVE what the County was already paying. Again, Day mislead the public in the media but clearly the media didn't crunch the numbers at all and got it seriously wrong. 

In the past the County was paying the City $986,000.00 a year for their services. GUESS WHAT, the County will be paying the City LESS this year and here's the kicker. After three years the County won't be paying the City a DIME outside of 911 actual calls!

So you see, when you put a BOY in office up against a well seasoned businessman and you threaten a nuclear option, it will come back and bite you in the you know what. To those of you commenters claiming Executive Bob Culver screwed the County, I GUESS SO! That is, if you read the Daily Times or watch WBOC. I am right, they are completely wrong! Culver saved the County Taxpayers BIG TIME on this matter and was SMART to hire a company to crunch the stats. They found that Hoppes, Ireton and Boy Mayor Day were trying to SCREW the County Taxpayers, they LIED about the figures and in the end got exactly what they deserved.

Way To Go Executive Culver and Thank You Very Much!

Additionally, Salisbury will be losing more territory in this agreement. Hebron, Station 1 and Parsonsburg will be getting more territory. 


  1. Thanks to Bob Culver, You da "Man"

  2. Jake thinks we are all stupid. The level of arrogance will be his down fall. Jake let them drop it is called being a man. Try to get just a little base in your voice. Use your war face lol.

  3. To those of you asking to see the final agreement on the fire service, there isn't one. Why, because, (unlike what Jake Day said) there is NO final agreement. There are still several items that have not been finalized or agreed upon. When there is a REAL and final agreement we will provide it.

  4. Thank you and congrats to all involved, feels good knowing something finally turned out positive around here, keep draining the swamp!!

  5. Thank you for your summary of the events.

    Great article.

  6. Great results Joe. I would like to know if the revised charter is going to be corrected and the Volunteers will be getting all their Funds reimbursed with interest, equipment including any bought with Volunteer funds and reimbursed for the property taken over by the City back from the City? That should all be in the agreement. Then lets see the City taxes go up up up to pay for all their expenses that was paid for by the Volunteer funds.

  7. How did this Idiot get elected ???

    1. Pretty easy when no one runs against you.

  8. 11:21 AM he ran unopposed.

  9. It's Jakey Neutron saving the day.

  10. Deduct the amount owed to the Volunteers from what Wicomico County gives the City. This includes the equipment, stole and bought with Volunteer money, Fair market value for property the City took over and any and all funds the City confiscated. Also take that illegal charter that was altered for justification and void it. Then have a new one rewritten to separate the Volunteers and paid Fire fighters as before.

  11. Salisbury does not need all those paid ones now. Are they going on unemployment and work the system again. No need for the 11 new ones over weight Hoppes requested. How can he keep his certifications legal since it appears he could not pass muster in his condition. Another joke / poor example of a fireman.

    1. I'm with you on this one. Instead of 11 new firefighters why not 11 more police officers. The crime is running rampant in the city.

  12. People around here mistake Jake Day for being a real mayor when he's not. He's a mere puppet of someone else's agenda. The trick now is to find out just whose agenda he represents. Who is the person behind the idiot front figure?


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