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Friday, April 07, 2017

'Because She’s a Woman'

MSNBC host Chris Matthews and Mother Jones Washington bureau chief David Corn suggested Tuesday night that Republicans are castigating Susan Rice, former President Obama's national security adviser, because she is a woman, not because she reportedly requested the identities of concealed Trump associates whose conversations were incidentally captured in U.S. intelligence reports.

"Notice it's always a female," Matthews said on his show "Hardball" after showing Republican attacks against Rice.

"They are making her, you know, basically they're defaming her without any reason to do so because she's a woman. Maybe because she's a black woman. Maybe because they didn't like her during Benghazi," Corn said.

More here


  1. Susan Rice told NPR in January that Obama and the Russians removed all chemical weapons. Surprise surprise another Susan Rice lie!

  2. Maybe it's because she's a damn liar and political hack for the dumbocrats.

  3. Oh come on, gender has NOTHING to do with it. She just happens to be a Democrat!!!!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. That's it, when you have no defense pull the race card!

  5. "Maybe because they didn't like her during Benghazi" BINGO! Give that man a cigar.

  6. I have inclinations that she was not born a woman or she is a transgender like the rest of the "women" in the Obamamy administration. This conclusion is observed by their actions and appearance. If this is true then you cannot use the woman theory.

  7. 2:46, I'd like to add, "Its" not really black really, just identifying as one because of Its skin color! So, Its really a white male! LOL!


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