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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Bankrupt Gander Mountain Could Have A Buyer, Allowing Stores To Stay Open

When specialty sporting goods retailer Gander Mountain recently went bankrupt, the future of the company’s physical locations was in doubt. Now comes a report that there may be a buyer for Gander Mountain that could keep some of the chain’s stores open. 


  1. gander was making record sales when obama was in office. funny how things change! the store in salisbury has nothing on the shelve. Nothing new is being delivered.

    1. Record sales on what? The prices are ridiculous high. It's like they don't no their is internet.

    2. The only thing that was selling well at Gander while odumbass was in office was firearms and ammo.

  2. They are over priced.

  3. 7:56. You don't go bankrupt overnight. It takes years of declining sales before the board decides to pull the plug. Look at sears/Kmart.
    Gander depended on disposable income to drive sales. People don't shop there because they need something. They shop there because they WANT something. Disposable income dried up during the Obama administration, partly due to the housing crisis and his failure to energize the economy. You need higher than 3% GDP growth rate to garner disposable income. Obama focused more on social issues than he did the economy and that is why he will be remembered as a failed president.
    Many more stores will fail this year because people still feel broke, thanks to BHO.

  4. It didn't happen in the last 100 days...don't blame Trump!

  5. Obama was the longest sitting president during a war in our history and won the noble peace price. He destroyed the middle class and made it become the poor class through Obamacare law, taxes and little to no jobs. He campaigned on free and cheaper college now we our trillions in college debt... however his zombies blame bush and now Trump. Obama laughs from his ivory tower. Sad.

  6. 845 your trolling is why Trump won. Democrats have lost more seats again recently. People aren't buying that used car anymore. You all better switch gears and stop name calling.

  7. 9;17 right on and still not making it until president Trump and this corrupt congress can get us tax relief.

    1. Why are they corrupt? give me examples so I can research it. Please advoid cnn talking points thou.

  8. The one in Salisbury is a JOKE! Everytime I went in to look at handguns I was ignored. I guess because I am female.

    1. No not at all. I am a guy and every time I went in there the same thing happened. It's as if they didn't want to sell a handgun.

  9. Must be the lazy locals they hired at GM in Salisbury. Other GM stores I've been to did not have that problem.

  10. Overpriced compared to dicks or amazon


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