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Monday, April 24, 2017

AEI Feminist Scholar: Feminism’s Goal Today ‘Is Not Equality With Men, It’s Protection From Them’

Christina Hoff Sommers discusses intersectional feminism, Linda Sarsour, and how feminism has changed

American Enterprise Institute resident scholar Christina Hoff Sommers is a classical equity feminist, meaning she believes the government should not impose an unfair advantage or disadvantage on women or men. But Sommers is concerned that classical equity feminism has been eclipsed by what she calls "fainting-couch feminism," an ideology overplaying victimhood that has leaked from college campuses and celebrity activists into the mainstream.

Sommers has been known to fight virulent feminism with facts in her writing and "Factual Feminist" video blog, where she addresses controversial topics that have risen on the feminist horizon in the past decade, including "the war on boys," gender politics and free speech on campuses, the wage gap, and rape culture. She recently spoke with the Washington Free Beacon to discuss what she has found disturbing about the rising "intersectional" feminist movement under President Donald Trump, and how she believes an inclusive feminist movement would have the biggest impact.



  1. It's for women to get their way always no matter what.

  2. It's about using their sexuality against men as a weapon.


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