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Monday, April 03, 2017

AAA: Gas prices projected to rise this summer

WASHINGTON — Sizing up gasoline prices, AAA Mid-Atlantic estimates that prices at the pump this summer could rise 40 cents or more per gallon.

Crude oil prices inched above $50 a barrel last month and gasoline refineries are beginning the annual switchover to more expensive summer gas blends.

“We may be looking at $2.60, $2.65, $2.70 by Memorial Day,” said AAA Mid-Atlantic spokesman John Townsend.



  1. If the Department of Energy was doing their job as originally intended what OPEC does should have no effect our oil prices or supply. They were formed during the oil embargo of the seventies to make us more independent from foreign oil! Those prices do not reflect an equal ratio of price per gallon to price per barrel when a barrel was running $115+ a barrel.

  2. So, they're taking the water out go the gasohol? Last 5 times I filled up, a block down the road the engine was coughing and sputtering with no power until I steered l/r to slosh the tank and remix the fuel with the water.

    I think that's another reason for adding the alcohol to gas; they can add water which is alcohol soluble to give you even less at the pump.

    We are now producing our own crude since it's now found out it's not a limited resource and we will be able to use it well into the future. OOPS! I wasn't supposed to tell just yet, EEKS!

  3. But, it is the "summer-driving season" you know. Like I really drive more in the summer than I do in any other season. I'm too busy working to be going on vacations all over the place. I thin that this whole "season" thing is malarkey; if it ain't one season then it's the next season. I call CaCa!! The prices go up just because they can.

  4. Needs to be REGULATED and Price Capped by the Federal Govt

    along with the Electric companys and anything else we all

    Need and Depend on in our country

    They way it is now They all Do as they Please and RAPE us all

    Price Gouging , since there are No laws enforced against it

    Everyone should be SICK AND TIRED OF IT >>> I AM !!!!

    Gas should be capped at 50 cents a Gal and Electric rates
    cut in half or more ..........Period !!!!

  5. The SAME Patterns every year Wake up America !!!

  6. day by day gas can be as much as 20 cents a gal difference !

    GOUGING !!! Even the same damn company differs in same town ........ We are NOT Stupid ....need Gouging Laws!!

    SOS every year .....

  7. No problem. Now that the weather is warmer, I will just start riding my Motorcycle to work each day. I can ride all week on just 2.5 gallons of gas and have fun while doing it! I'll just use the car to buy groceries and use it when the weather is bad. I did this last time when gas prices were almost 4 dollars per gallon. They are only hurting themselves. There are less people driving now days anyway. Less people working means less people driving. Just leave Salisbury and drive in the country during the week. Won't see too many cars on the highway between Salisbury and Cambridge or Between Salisbury and Crisfield.


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