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Friday, April 14, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Board of Education & Bennett

Joe, go to 3.6 public comments and listen to Hanlins report on Benett.


The sad part is the state of Maryland doesn’t want to deal with the thugs in the juvie system, so they are pushing the problem back on the schools. Reading md comar regs everything says what the school system must do, no where does it hold the thugs or their so called parents responsible.


  1. Come on Donna! The kids felt safe that day? I guess hundreds, yes hundreds of parents lining up to pick up their kids isn't a big deal. Your comment is as much baloney as promoting Briggs to assistant Superintendent.

  2. I knew Donna Hanlin was a phony. If she was so dedicated to Wicomico County then why did she leave? And you idiots were dumb enough to take her back.

  3. The school system is no better. They expect kids to be tortured by these lil piss ants and not to respond or protect themselves

  4. Yep - when appointed Dr Hanlin was the best thing since sliced bread - didn't take long for Wicomico County residents to judge her to be just another POS equal to Dr Fredericksen.

    10:24, put your thinking cap on - would you consider taking a job for more money and good promotion potential in another county? Dr Hanlin did and it was a good decision on her part. Sadly until folks all over America have had enough and fight for children in schools wanting to learn - instead of letting the thugs be the privileged ones, teachers and school administrators hands are tied. Perhaps President Trump can turn things around, but with the the Jokesters ruling in Annapolis I fear Maryland will see no change.

  5. Please go to Bennett any day between 2:45 and 3:00 and see how the thugs walk right in front of cars daring people to hit them. It's no different inside.i had a group of 8 on Tuesday step right out in front of me so I had to slam brakes on. Then they flashed gang signs at me as I was checking the cylinder.

  6. The sheriffs and not very good at babysitting for lil thuglets.So we have a National Guard facility in Salisbury bring a few of these men and women in the and see if things can be turned around.

    1. Hahahaha, yeah right^^^. What are they gonna do, stand around and be fat ?

  7. you can blame the superintendent, administrators, teachers all you want. But until you lazy people get off your asses and demand change from you liberal state legislators nothing will change!
    want to see where the problem lies, look in the mirror!


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