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Saturday, April 29, 2017

$5,000 reward offered in search for escaped prisoner

While Fox News originally stated, "David Watson escaped from the custody of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office at Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center in Jessup, Maryland, where an evaluation was scheduled, according to law enforcement officials." It has been confirmed it was officers from the Wicomico County Detention Center who lost the prisoner. Now there is a $5,000.00 reward for his capture.


  1. Wonder how this affects the "incompetent to stand trial" status of his Maryland attempted murder charges. He sounds perfectly competent to me.

  2. He ran into the woods and two Detention officers couldn't catch him? He also slipped out of his handcuffs and leg chains? What's wrong with this picture? Agree with 7:06 - seems pretty competent to me. Says even more about the Detention Center officers - sloppy work.

  3. I use to work in Wic, those Officers are a heart attack waiting to happen. You can tell they don't care about themselves, who is to say they care about the inmates either

  4. The guards are a joke....

  5. Did you hear the one about the two guards and the prisoner...nevermind he got away.

  6. Very poor procedures. Worked escort for the State a lot in my 22yrs, before retirement, and cannot visualize how this was possible unless there was a severe breech in policy procedures. Even as far as saying it was an inside job.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Wonder how this affects the "incompetent to stand trial" status of his Maryland attempted murder charges. He sounds perfectly competent to me.

    April 29, 2017 at 7:06 AM

    Being able to RUN has NOTHING to do with being competent or not. geesh if brains were gunpowder most of you wouldn't have enough power to blow your noses.

  8. There are TWO keys required to 'escape' from a waist-chain, handcuffs and leg irons. One is the cuff key and the other is the padlock key.
    Somebody on the inside (current or previous employee) had to help.

  9. Now it's time for the Sheriff's Office to take over the Detention Center.

  10. Should have left him in DE serving his 100+ year sentence. No need for the expense of a trial in MD.


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