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Monday, April 24, 2017

238 murdered in France by jihadists since 2015

There have been some 21 Islamist attacks in France since 2015

The devastating scale of Islamic extremism that has struck France has been exposed by new figures that show some 238 people have been murdered by Islamic extremists in France alone since 2015.

There have been some 21 Islamist attacks in France since 2015, including the Bataclan massacre and attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo.

Make no mistake about it, France is at war with radical Islam along with the rest of Europe. As their people go the poll tomorrow, this is perhaps the defining issue of our time which will likely play a huge part in deciding who is elected France’s next President.



  1. A few months from now, the frogs will be asking "How did Marine Le-Pen win?!"

  2. La Pen has to win if there is any chance for France to survive. Marcon has already stated that terrorism is to be expected as part of everday life, they are completely lost if they vote for him.

    1. If she does not win i do not want to hear it from the liberal idiots when they get hit by another terror attack.


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