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Monday, April 24, 2017

20,000 Union Members, Retirees at Risk of Losing Pension Benefits

Five union pension plans are heading toward bankruptcy in the next 20 years if the federal government does not approve benefit cuts to retirees.

In March, four unions filed applications with the U.S. Treasury Department requesting relief under a program established by the Obama administration that allows multi-employer pension plans to cut benefits in order to sustain the long-term health of the plan. The applications from United Furniture Workers Pension Fund, Alaska Ironworkers Pension Fund, Southwest Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters, International Association of Machinists of Motor City Pension Fund, and Teamsters Local 805 Pension & Retirement Plan are all being reviewed by the department, according to the Pension Rights Center. If the cuts are approved on all four applications, as many as 20,309 union members could see their retirement money drastically reduced.
More here

[One might wonder how much these unions spent on political activism.. --Editor]


  1. You can bet unions spent big money to salvage Clinton's campaign but to no avail it didn't work! The unions are antiquated mechanisms from The Jungle days. They're unnecessary now because there's the department of Labor and other agencies to prevent bad working environments. How many businesses have left Salisbury due to unions? Think about it.

  2. Only because hedge fund managers gave large contributions to politicians to manage them into the ground and became billionaires off of them.

  3. Unions will be the end of free enterprise as we know it. The only difference in them and prostitutes, is they kiss you first.

  4. Union dues buy no shoes.

  5. Keep voting democrat, morons

  6. Hope they do. Effing stupid union thugs.


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