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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Women Shouldn’t Strike

They inexorably joined with men to make society and the economy function. 

Throughout American history, strikes have been used as a powerful negotiating tactic, forcing employers to recognize workers’ value and building public awareness of harsh working conditions. Organizers of the post-inauguration Women’s March want women to strike tomorrow, on International Women’s Day. They’ve called on women to take the day off from labor, paid and unpaid, and to shop only at women- and minority-owned businesses. This is supposed to raise awareness of discrimination, sexual harassment, and the low wages women allegedly endure. 

Before joining the picket line, American women would do well to ask: Who, exactly, are we striking against? Given the targets, it seems clear the organizers see men, particularly white men, as the equivalent of management, ruling America’s economy, and therefore meriting a boycott.


  1. No problem.

    While they get this out of their system, we'll just go golfing and grab a sammich somewhere.

  2. Well, if white men were to boycott a day, the economy would truly shut down. Perhaps some of these single minded zealots should THINK about that!


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