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Friday, March 10, 2017

Wikileaks Drops Massive Trove Of CIA Spying Documents: Guess What’s Missing

So, this happened yesterday

(UK Guardian) The US intelligence agencies are facing fresh embarrassment after WikiLeaks published what it described as the biggest ever leak of confidential documents from the CIA detailing the tools it uses to break into phones, communication apps and other electronic devices.

The thousands of leaked documents focus mainly on techniques for hacking and reveal how the CIA cooperated with British intelligence to engineer a way to compromise smart televisions and turn them into improvised surveillance devices.

The leak, named “Vault 7” by WikiLeaks, will once again raise questions about the inability of US spy agencies to protect secret documents in the digital age. It follows disclosures about Afghanistan and Iraq by army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in 2010 and about the National Security Agency and Britain’s GCHQ by Edward Snowden in 2013.

This involved 8,761 documents that show just how the CIA was spying. Going after smartphones, computers, and even using the apps in your Samsung TV to spy. Of course, if the CIA is doing this against foreign nations, well, that’s rather their job, is it not? If the documents are real, it represents a pretty big embarrassment to the CIA, and, don’t forget, this happened to the NSA already.

Of course, article after article are rather hysterical over the CIA doing what the CIA is supposed to do. One big question is whether the CIA did this on domestic soil. Regardless, if this happened during George W. Bush’s term, how would the media react? Lots of blame and condemnation, yes?



  1. be sure to keep this article easy to pull up again. history is a funny thing...ALL need to realize the MSM are liars and deceivers to the core. period

  2. Here goes Comey! Claims he's going to keep his job another 6 1/2 years! LOL!


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