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Monday, March 27, 2017

‘Virtually Uncovered’–NYT Admits CNN And MSNBC Are Ignoring Rockville Rape

MSNBC, CNN and every other major network but Fox News are keeping their viewers in the dark about the alleged violent rape of a 14-year-old girl by two illegal immigrants, the New York Times conceded in an article about Fox News on Saturday.

The two alleged rapists, ages 17 and 18, were enrolled as freshmen at a public high school in Rockville, Maryland after being detained and then released by federal immigration authorities, despite being in the country illegally.

The suspects allegedly forced the girl into a bathroom stall at school and made her perform oral sex on them while they took turns raping and sodomizing her as she cried out for them to stop, according to police reports. Police found blood and DNA at the scene, FOX 5 reported.



  1. They may have left this story out but in this day and age word gets out and when it does they will be the ones looking like asses.

  2. As one legislator put it, "...you have to expect that in a rape culture." Right before she introduced the sanctuary bill. Perhaps someone she knows will encounter such an episode & maybe then she'll come around??? Nah, not a chance!

  3. Some politicians are quietly but forcefully pushing this as acceptable risk in unbridled immigration, and that no big deal should be made of it.


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