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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Veto-Proof Majority Approves Baltimore Minimum Wage Hike

The Baltimore City Council on Monday voted in a veto-proof majority for a bill that would raise the city's minimum wage to $15 by 2023.

The vote was 11-3. Under the bill there would be gradual increases in the minimum wage starting in 2019. Until then, the city would be tied to the state minimum wage, now $8.75 an hour, but will rise to $9.25 an hour this July, and $10.10 an hour in July 2018. The city minimum wage will then rise to $11.25 the following year, with $1.25 an hour increases until it reaches the $15 level.

Once the minimum wage hits $15, it will be increased by the city Wage Commission based on inflation.



  1. Expect to lose your jobs and what will the 15 bucks an hour do for you when you have no job??? Did you clowns ever thing about that???

  2. well there go more jobs

  3. Liberal non-thinkers have pounded another huge spike in the coffin of what was once a great city. Bye Bye Baltimore.

  4. What a bunch of idiots at the capitol

  5. And anyone making minimum wage now will have to fear losing their job, just because their job is not worth the new minimum wage to the employer. Yeah, that helps, right?

  6. Just another reason to completely stop going to sports events in Baltimore.

  7. i hope you people get your bellies good and full so that you will finally ban together and get these idiot Democrats out of office!

  8. None of you live or work in Baltimore so why are you so upset over what the min wage is there? So many problems around here that need attention.

  9. Won't be $15/hr until 2021.

  10. 2023 really? your kidding me right

  11. This is so crazy. Who is going to pay some Baltimore thug $15 an hour to sell hamburgers? They will be better off selling drugs.


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