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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Trump signs new anti-terror travel ban without new fanfare

WASHINGTON (AP) — Without fanfare, President Donald Trump signed a scaled-back version of his controversial ban on many foreign travelers Monday, hoping to avoid a new round of lawsuits and outrage while fulfilling a central campaign promise. His order still bars new visas for people from six Muslim-majority countries and temporarily shuts down America’s refugee program.

The revised order, signed with none of the flourish of his first version, eliminates some of the most contentious aspects in an effort to surmount the court challenges that are sure to come. Trump’s first order, issued just a week after his inauguration, was halted by federal courts.

The new one leaves Iraq off the list of banned countries — at the urging of U.S. military and diplomatic leaders — but still affects would-be visitors and immigrants from Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Libya. It also makes clear that current visa holders will not be impacted, and it removes language that would give priority to religious minorities — a provision some interpreted as a way to help Christians get into the U.S. while excluding Muslims.



  1. They are not going to tangle with Trump this time because they know he has all the legal power to do this.

  2. I notice that the DemonRATS are not even talking about this Executive Order which is because they KNOW that there is no chance they will be able to tear this one down like they did the Previous One. Finally, thanks to President Trump, we will be Safe from Terrorists coming across the border. It is about time, after eight years of Obummer we are all less safe than we were before.

  3. Its probably to late because the door was opened for so long. Since Bush actually. Trump will get blamed of course. The evil globalist new world order idiots will still try to destroy us from the outside and from within. Its already happening.


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