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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Trump Budget Plan Draws Some Criticism From Md. Lawmakers

WASHINGTON (AP) —Maryland Democrats on Thursday voiced their displeasure with the Trump administration’s budget proposals, citing federal cuts to Chesapeake Bay cleanup efforts, the Appalachian Regional Commission and the National Institutes of Health.

“The Trump budget is great if you can get on a plane every weekend and fly to Mar-a-Lago, but it stinks for everybody else,” Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., said at a Capitol Hill press conference. “If you look at the cost to the taxpayer to fly to Mar-a-Lago each weekend, it’s about $3 million, estimated.”

To put that number into perspective, Van Hollen said that the federal budget for Meals on Wheels, a program that helps feed 2.4 million seniors in the United States, is also $3 million, but the proposed “budget wipes out” the money for this program.



  1. Meals on wheels all the way to the bank. Ceo needs to take a smaller salary. The owner is providing a service for PROFIT. And btw it's unaffordable for most on fixed incomes.

  2. The Bloomberg article that I read on the cuts indicates that the cut to Meals on Wheels is 3%, not the defunding that I am reading elsewhere. While I don't desire to pay for the president's trips to Florida, and I expect him to keep his promise to forego his salary as president, there seems to be a good bit of rhetoric woven into most coverage. It would be much better to have an intellectual debate on the most logical cuts.

    1. Can he forego his salary legally? President Trump said democrats will not work with the republicans on anything! They will vote No on everything...

  3. So Van Hollen trots out to trash Mr Trump about trip expenses.

    Funny how we heard nothing from him about the gazillion dollars Obama spent going golfing and on lavish vacations.

    Was that because Meals on Wheels was fully funded then?

  4. 6:47 is close but the actual statistic is that Meals on Wheels receives 3.3% of their funds from the government. 96.7% of their money comes from donations, etc. So cutting all federal funds from MoW will have very little effect.

  5. We down homers don't really care. We support TRUMP.


  6. I guess this turd forgets Fancy Pelosi flying the friendly skies daily going to West coast where she stays.

  7. Your buddy Obama was on vacation every week.

  8. Hold on. Obama was busting race barriers by constantly going on vacation. He was successful as even Martha's Vineyard has been trashed with a reputation of being a new black neighborhood. Who wants to vacation there anymore?

  9. Laughable...Maryland is the last of the 'big time spenders'. President Trump's budget is a great start...

  10. Um, e really don't care if you don't like the budget. It is what it is. Screw you. You have been screwing us for more than 30 years. The game is over, get used to it.

  11. Mega ditto 10:43!

  12. I am so ashamed of living in md. Not too long from now I will be moving to de. Not a great upgrade but outta this liberal, ignorant, islamic loving suicidal hell hole.

  13. Another reason that I didn't vote for Chris Van Hollen.

  14. I think the government should keep on spending until the money runs out. Does that make me a liberal?

  15. Van Hollen is a complete A$$!!!!

  16. what do you expect from the Party of Liberal Jim?


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