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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Transgender Who Switched from Men’s to Women’s Volleyball Likely Going to Olympics

What a fantastic way to destroy sports for everyone! A man who has transgendered to a woman in Hawaii is now realizing his blooming Olympic dream in volleyball. Why? Because he’s a guy competing with women, which hardly seems fair, right or even sane if you ask me. They aren’t even sure if he is going to get reassignment surgery now as it is no longer required. Can I just ask if this is now going to be the norm, what’s the point in training and competing for the Olympics? A man is always going to beat a woman at sports… it’s physical.

These women train their whole lives for this, just to have their chances and dreams dashed because liberal asshats decide that a man can say he’s a woman and compete in the sport. You are seeing the predictable results as this is happening in track, wrestling and weight lifting as well. It sickens me and it makes a mockery of sports. And the so-called feminists are silent as hell on this.



  1. Same thing as with that Australian "female" weight-lifter. I don't have words to describe how ridiculous this is. I say that if you don't have the correct chromosomes identifying you as the sex that you say that you are then you don't get a spot on the team.

  2. In what Catagory ? "Confused".

  3. This won't go without changing the whole concept of sports competition. If transgenders want to compete, it should strictly be with other transgenders and transgender teams.

  4. 10:27 That will never happen. They don't want to use separate bathrooms let alone play on a separate team. The people who run sports are among the most liberal in our society. They would rather see the whole concept of sports change rather than exclude one transgender.

  5. Liberal men always want to compete against women.

  6. This is SOOOOOOOO wrong! Women to men is one thing, but there's a reason why there are 2 different leagues for men and women.
    Why not let men play women's basketball, or softball, etc.
    What idiots! Why can't people grow a pair and say 'no' ?

  7. 11:42 where have you been? Girls are on boys teams even a contact sport like wrestling. All started with little league even though there was girls softball. It's only non transgender boys that can't play on girls teams.

  8. Didn't Russia do this crap back in the 70's and their athletes were kicked out for impersonating women?


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