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Saturday, March 04, 2017

There’s Another Widow of Fallen Navy SEAL — and She’s Not Holding Back on Trump’s Tribute at Speech

Taya Kyle said Wednesday that watching people politicize President Donald Trump’stribute to fallen SEAL William “Ryan” Owens and his widow makes her “sick” to her stomach.

And Kyle has much more authority to speak on the issue than any of the political pundits who have accused Trump of using Carryn Owens, a grieving widow, as a “prop.”

Kyle is the widow of legendary Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. She knows Carryn Owens’ pain all too well.

Responding to filmmaker Michael Moore’s claim that Owens was exploited to give an “f-you to the people who are criticizing Trump,” Kyle said forcefully:

“It makes me sick to my stomach, it makes me angry. Because he is saying two things when he says that to me, that…she’s a fool and doesn’t know she’s being used — and that’s ridiculous. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. It’s also saying that this wasn’t warranted and in some way this always has to be political.”


1 comment:

  1. Bet widow Owens could beat fat boy Moore in a kicking match.


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