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Monday, March 06, 2017

The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine


  1. We now call it fake news. America is waking up and fighting back.

  2. As sheep we are led.

  3. Baaaa....baaaaa....
    The only thing they forgot on the last part, now republicans and Trump are enemies of the media establishment.
    This should be shown in every school and college in America.
    The Force only works on the weak minded, Luke. These are not the Droids you are looking for...move along..go about your business.

  4. It is nothing new to create a common enemy with which to bring people together and to shape their thought processes. President Trump is bucking the system and now he is receiving FLACK from the media elite for doing so. However, I couldn't help notice that the video mentions the big three "enemies" of today: Immigrants, terrorism, and communism. Notice that both sides are using one or more of them.

    This is good enough to share with my peeps.


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