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Friday, March 03, 2017

Thank God Its Friday 3-3-17

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Packing my 9MM and walking my wife to Mall, Walmart, etc. Somebody's gotta protect her right????

  2. JUST trying to survive...

  3. Taking my elderly mother grocery shopping. The child now becomes the parent!
    Part of my payback for her taking care of me when I was a child.

    1. This is a normal thing in indian culture.

  4. Getting my snow shovel ready so i can shovel all the snowflakes and send then on their way.

  5. Drinking myself to death.

  6. Getting drunk and working...

  7. @8:57, God bless you. I wish everyone treated their elderly parents like you instead of considering them a burden.

  8. 8:57 That is honoring your mother. Good job!

  9. Resting up for the beginning of the Big College tournaments starting mid-next week, followed up by the NCAA tourney. Lots of B-ball coming, great golfing month and lots o lots of SUDS to consume!!!

    Gonna be a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng month for March Madness!!!!

  10. Wondering how Democrats can be so damned stupid.

  11. 8:57
    When I was in that role it seemed a bit overwhelming at times. I wasn't complaining, but had mentioned it to a friend. He said, "I wish I could run my Dad around". He advised once my Dad was gone I would miss doing the errands and running. He was sure right, enjoy while you can. I am familiar with several that treat their parents like crap, and have at times not even spoke to their parents for years. Need their rear kicked. Again, enjoy every second.


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