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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sunday Hunting Bill Passes In Wicomico County

While Worcester County and Somerset County have enjoyed hunting on Sunday's, Wicomico County had not allowed hunting on Sunday's, until last night. 

The House voted in favor of Sunday hunting and we will provide more details later today. 


  1. Welcome to the 21st Century (17 years later).

  2. Sunday should not be a hunting day , it is the day of worship.

  3. I have hunted my whole (long) life and have hunted in states that allow Sunday hunting. I personally wish it was still banned in Maryland. It gives everyone a rest including the game a day to settle down from the constant hunting pressure. It gives a redneck a tough choice to make on Sunday. Do I go hunting with my buddies or do I stay home with my wife and kids and have family time. Can't wait to hear the responses.

  4. Sunday hunting is already allowed in Wicomico County on certain days. For someone that has a full time job and works Monday through Friday, the only time I can hunt is on the weekends. Hunting is a family activity in my house so I can hunt and spend time with the family.

  5. 10:40 Yes, from the wife of a hunting family I agree!

  6. As it should be..the option of hunting or not is for the individual to make. With limited days in the field...I can't count the number of times that Saturday wasn't fit for enjoying my passion but Sunday could have been a perfect day it hunting was allowed. The revenue and much needed animal control will certainly benefit from this approval in my opinion

  7. 10:37 and 10:40....Im not in the habit of trying to offend anyone, but....
    First, we talking just 1 day...not every Sunday
    Second, As a man of God I have had some wonderful days praise God and giving thanks for all he created...all while sitting and walking, hunting in the wild...not just on Sundays, and one can and should worship, praise and give thanks, every day and not just in church.
    Third, I've had the most important family days in the wild, hunting, raising my children...I would change that for the world, their grown now and well rounded for it.
    Forth, you have a choice...many in your lives...why must I submit and forfeit my choices...my life, my choice for your opinion or choice, even where I wish to praise God?
    Fifth, have you ever considered that I or others who might not be able to be in the great outdoors the other 5 days of that week, that 1 lone Sunday we were just granted? Or maybe its finally fit weather to take our children hunting on that ONE day. Why do you feel others might abandon GOD or their families for that ONE additional DAY...IF given the choice to hunt that ONE EXTRA DAY?!?!?

  8. No better way to worship God than to sit in a tree stand and watch the sunrise and listen to God's creation come to life in the morning. Besides if you don't harvest anything you can make Sunday worship by 10. Besides that Jesus told us to keep every day holy. Not just Sunday.

    1. Then kill gods animals ?

    2. Absolutely, it's how civilization has survived for years. I suppose you think hamburger and chicken grows on trees?

  9. Forget Sunday hunting. I think they should just have an open season, year round, for hunting deer. The deer now travel in herds of thirty, or more, here on the shore. The limited seasons are not making a dent in the deer populations. Something more than just Sunday hunting needs to be allowed. As for me, I don't want to share my walks in teh woods (public forests) to be shared with people with high powered rifles, some of which have been known to shoot at sounds, and not actual animals. Sunday hunting puts MY life at risk, when I share the woods with hunters. The rest of us deserve one day a week without the fear of being mistaken for a hunter's prey.

  10. 1228 - not just Sunday indeed!

  11. I worship venion!!!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sunday should not be a hunting day , it is the day of worship.

    March 21, 2017 at 10:37 AM

    don't you eat on a sunday? why can't one worship, if they choose and then go hunting? what if they don't worship, they can't hunt because of that? patooey.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Then kill gods animals ?

    March 21, 2017 at 1:45 PM

    what do you think happens at chicken plants, slaughter houses?

  14. Whoops! You mean you couldn't hunt on Sunday before this new law? Oh well they tasted the same no matter what day I killed them.

    "Outlaw Hunter"

  15. if it aint deer season,thats no problem.you jus put the season in when ya cook em


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