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Friday, March 03, 2017

Breaking News: Uber has for years used its app to secretly identify and sidestep law enforcement officials where it was restricted or banned

The program, which involves a tool called Greyball, uses data collected from Uber’s app and other techniques to identify and circumvent officials.


  1. Imagine that a for profit company flouting government rules and regulations and using shady ethics in cities and countries that flout rules, regulations, and ethics. If governments want people or corporations to follow laws then those governments need to start following their own laws. LOL

  2. HEY....who wouldn't tell a friend of a traffic stop on RT. 50

  3. And what about Maryland Lawmakers giving them free reign to do what ever they please in Maryland. No taxes, no fees, no license requirements, no bond, no insurance, no inspections. What ever they want to do Scott free.

  4. 5:12 If this is true....Maryland isn't the sharpest state in the US toolbox.

  5. 5:12 I thought that everyone wanted the government to stay out of private business. Sounds just like what happened in MD with Uber. I'm sure that the cab drivers in salisbury are of the highest moral caliber. Some of them eve sell drugs from their cabs. What a great cover. Drive around and pull in front of houses and businesses for 5 minutes and no one says a thing.

  6. But it IS one of the most corrupt.


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