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Sunday, March 26, 2017

States Tell ‘Slowpoke’ Drivers to Get Over — Or Else

Maybe you’re a bit of a lead-foot. Maybe you don’t like driving behind trucks. Or maybe you just really like the view from the left lane. Well, an increasing number of states have a message for you: Get over. Or pay up.

Oklahoma, Oregon and Virginia are racing to become the latest in a wave of states that have imposed higher fines and more restrictions on driving in the left lane of multilane highways. The crackdown is an attempt to enforce what legislators say drivers should already know: the far left lane of a highway is for passing, and only passing.

Since 2013, at least five other states — Florida, Georgia, Indiana, New Jersey and Tennessee — have also stiffened penalties for “slowpoke” driving or “left-lane camping.” While all states require slow vehicles to keep right, they do not all specifically require drivers to get out of the left lane after overtaking another motorist or set penalties for failing to do so.

“Left-lane cruisers, besides being dangerously oblivious to the other drivers around them, are annoying as heck,” said Kaye Kory, the Democratic Virginia state delegate who co-sponsored the legislation in her state.



  1. The Redneck truckers are the biggest idiots on RT 50,

  2. I stay in the left lane because I am constantly passing all of the slowpokes in the right lane.

  3. I wish MD would raise the speed limit to 75, I'd feel much better going my normal speed then.

  4. Virgians are spiteful left lane road hogs

  5. please define slower moving traffic, If the speed limit is 55 and I'm going 65 in the left lane but someone wants to go 75 am I suppose to move over even though I am gaining on the next car in the right lane just so they can break the law more than I am.

    1. Tell that one to the Judge,and good luck Mario.

  6. Just think about it , if everyone would drive the speed limit we wouldn't need the passing lane . This would save billions of dollars in state and federal taxes. It would save on gas and safety issues with speeding . Think out of the box.

  7. 9:04 In that situation, I just call 911 and report the vehicle doing 75 as reckless and possible drunk driver and let the universe unfold as it is intended to. After they get pulled over a few times and hassled, maybe they will get the message.

  8. What's a Virgian? How do you know that they're Virgians? Is this a sexist thing?

  9. 9:04 Yes unless you are actually in the immediate process of passing. Pull over let the person go then pass the car you were overtaking. After you pass pull over. If coming upon a series of cars and a car comes up behind you going faster then temporarily speed up to pass and then pull over. When in the left lane keep up with the flow of traffic or pull over to the right lane.

  10. 9:04 is right,I see it all the time. People want to go 80 MPH and then complain that the left lane drivers are too slow even when they are exceeding the speed limit. They like to tailgate everyone. Define too slow? 5, 10, 15 MPH over the posted speed limit? It is all relative to how much of an A-hole driver you are.

  11. I would venture to say that Kaye Kory is an overly aggressive and speeding motor vehicle operator.

  12. the definition of a slow poke is one who continues to block the lane when another vehicle comes up behind it. it doesn't matter the speed. you are not traffic cops. move over and let them pass. YOU are being the safety risk by causing congestion and possibly road rage. leave your ego home when you get in your vehicle

    1. No it is not a fast lane it is a passing Lane. Just because there are a lot of lead foots who don't think the speed limit is meant for them doesn't mean those who are doing the speed limit are "slow". You are an aggressive driver, you are the true danger on our roads

  13. “People who hog the left lane lead to road rage and frustration, tailgating, passing on the right,” said Senate Majority Leader Ginny Burdick, a Democrat who previously championed Oregon’s ban on using hand-held cellphones while driving. “All of these are unsafe behaviors.”

  14. 9:04 is a cheerleading, selfish, bore who can't wait to call the police on anyone not behaving well. She's speeding, but can't wait to tell the police about someone else who is speeding.
    YOU, 9:04, are the problem. You think you can cruise in the fast lane because you are already going faster than the law allows.
    Read the article. It talks about people like you, who REMAIN in the fast lane, even though you can see 5 other cars lined up behind you, wondering who in the heck is holding up the traffic. It's YOU.
    The left lane is for PASSING. NOT cruising and daydreaming about being a "goot ci-di-zen".

  15. March 22, 2017 at 12:23 PM

    thank you Imclain. at least someone gets it.

  16. Dumb law to appease aggressive drivers.

  17. The only aggressive high speed drivers I pull over for are the cops. That won't change because of any new laws. Run into the back of my car and see what law prevails in court. Its called failing to reduce speed to avoid a collision. The rear-ender is 100% liable under the law.

  18. March 22, 2017 at 1:41 PM

    and here is another example of an aggressive driver. and with the prevalence of dash cams, don't always assume your impediment of the smooth flow of traffic will get you off, if you survive.
    YOUR illegal actions also contribute to a collision.

    A legal claim resulting from a rear-end collision in Maryland (and other collision types, too) is based on negligence. Negligence means carelessness.
    Therefore, to prove your claim, you have to show that another driver was careless and caused the collision.
    In most cases of a rear-end collision in Maryland, the rear driver, the driver who struck the vehicle in front, is negligent and must pay for all damages caused.

    While the usual rule is that the striking driver is responsible for a rear-end collision in Maryland, there can be exceptions.
    This is because Maryland is 1 of only 4 states that has a harsh rule called “contributory negligence.” This means that if the driver who is rear-ended contributed in any way to causing the collision, her claim is completely defeated!
    That’s right, in theory, if the driver who is struck did something that makes him 1% responsible for causing the collision, he cannot recover from the following driver who was 99% responsible for the crash. Amazing, huh?
    Forty-six states have a more reasonable rule called “comparative negligence.” Although there are different forms of comparative negligence, the essential concept is that the negligence of drivers involved in an accident is compared and the driver who is more at fault pays. However, the injured person’s recovery is reduced by his degree of fault. For example, if a driver is rear-ended, and it is determined that the front driver was 10% at fault, his recover is reduced by 10%. He can only recover 90% of his damages.
    However, because Maryland does not have comparative negligence and still follows the old rule of contributory negligence, the opposing insurance company may try to defeat a claim made against the striking driver after a rear-end collision in Maryland in circumstances such as these . . .
    A Third Vehicle. Of course, if the following driver was driven into the rear of your car by another car, the driver of the other car is the cause of your damages and injuries.
    Cutoff. A driver swerves in front of another car, such as when changing lanes, and then abruptly stops. The driver in front could be determined to be the sole cause of the crash or contributorily negligent. In either case, she has no legitimate claim under Maryland law.
    Road Rage. The driver in front intentionally slams on the brakes, such as when angry with a tailgater. Both drivers could be found at fault or, at least, the driver in front would probably be found to be contributorily negligent.
    Backing. Of course, if the driver in front backs into the rear vehicle, that driver will probably be at fault.
    Disabled Vehicle Without Warning. A disabled vehicle does not have on emergency flashers, especially at night, and is struck from the rear. It could be determined that the disabled driver caused or contributed to causing the crash.
    Safety Defects. The front vehicle’s brake and/or tail lights are out so that the following driver does not get a signal that the vehicle in front is stopping. Here, also, the front driver could be found to be the sole cause of the rear-end collision, or, at least, a contributing cause.
    The driver who strikes a vehicle in front and causes a rear-end collision in Maryland is almost always at fault — legally liable — and responsible for paying all of the property and injury damages that he causes.
    However, don’t forget that there are exceptions to the general rule that the striking driver is liable.
    YOU are taking a risk and are an unsafe driver. It's people like you that help cause collisions, injuries and make others sit in traffic for hours while the accident scene is cleared. Not to mention raising insurance rates for everyone. You should really rethink your strategy and be a safer and more courteous driver.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dumb law to appease aggressive drivers.

    March 22, 2017 at 1:38 PM

    Failing to move over IS an aggressive driver.

    1. 1:38 you are the aggessive driver. I can see you tailgating now as you drive 10-15 or more over the limit, not to pass but because you have a lead foot and think you in the road

  20. You said it 1:41 ! Unless someone is going to a fire/emergency they need to drive safer. I have a relative who was hit by some nutcase going 70 in a 35 and he is paralyzed from the neck down. All because some moron thought the rules were not for them. The nutcase was using someone else's car and they claimed he was not authorized to drive it, insurance company took no liability. My relative never got a dime. These people need to remember that they are driving a potential killing machine. Selfish people think its all about them and can do whatever they want regardless of the safety of others. It shows a true lack of maturity.

  21. @1:41 If I am driving one of my beater vehicles and an a-hole comes up on me and tailgates/flashes lights, I have no problem with suddenly jamming on my brakes to avoid the squirrel/cat/rabbit or any other imaginary creature that jumped out from the median strip. I'm sorry officer but I just could hit that poor lil animal.

  22. March 22, 2017 at 3:12 PM

    hope u like jail.

  23. March 22, 2017 at 2:59 PM

    that has nothing to do with the left lane

  24. Except for Imclain, Unknown and maybe one other, all of you are exhibiting signs of aggressive driving. I would suggest you brush up on what the law says and not rely on urban legends, hearsay and your own egotistical emotions.

    I'm sure you think you are correct and justified in your thinking but you would be proven wrong in a court of law and probably financially liable.

    Just a suggestion. I'm not going to argue back and forth with any of you. I'm sure all of you are above average drivers, no tickets, no points and whatnot. But if that was always the case, we wouldn't be having this issue or conversation.

    Please just drive reasonably safe and remember you are not the only ones on the highway.

  25. You said it 1:41 ! Unless someone is going to a fire/emergency they need to drive safer.March 22, 2017 at 2:59 PM

    Unless one is an authorized responder to an accident, fire or other such emergency they are not allowed to break any traffic laws either. Putting on your hazards lights and driving as if you are a responder or you should be granted special privileges is not allowed or legal.

    I am reading a lot of misconceptions on here about this topic. Most seem to not know what the laws actually are and say. This is also contributing to the problems on our highways.

    And police themselves break traffic laws now and then, when not responding to a call or emergency. So if they can get it wrong one has to admit others get it wrong too.

    Just drive nice, take your time, leave early, be courteous, don't try to be a traffic cop or force someone else to obey any laws you think they should. Your ride, your life and everyone else's will be so much more happy and safe if you would only do those simple things.

    You will get to where you are going, less chance of an accident, hopefully won't encounter or cause any road rage which can be lethal.

    You don't always have to be right but you should always be safe.

  26. All you aggressive driver's can hate me all you want, but I haven't have a moving violation since 1978, and I know how to deal with all of you.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All you aggressive driver's can hate me all you want, but I haven't have a moving violation since 1978, and I know how to deal with all of you.

    March 22, 2017 at 3:56 PM

    I just knew that would be at least one.

    Joe, this is an important PSA and informative for a lot of drivers. I would recommend it stay available longer.

  28. To all those who hang out in the left lane blocking traffic: Why would you want to block traffic? Remember you can't be in a multi-car accident if no other cars are around you. To the idiots that say they will get in their beater car and slam on their brakes. What good does that do you if you get killed or maimed in the accident idiot? Sure showed them LOL.

  29. The bad part of all of this are those idiots who get in the left lane who afraid to pass anyone. I don't know how many times I have been on Rt. 50 and the left lane is clogged with someone who won't pass the car beside them. And then you have the person in the right lane who won't let anyone pass them.

    But hey, even if the law is passed, it won't matter. After all, how may Maryland drivers you do see who don't follow traffic patterns anyway?????????

  30. What good does that do you if you get killed or maimed in the accident idiot? Sure showed them LOL.
    March 22, 2017 at 6:36 PM

    yeah, they don't think about that part.

    But hey, even if the law is passed, it won't matter. After all, how may Maryland drivers you do see who don't follow traffic patterns anyway?????????

    March 22, 2017 at 7:41 PM

    There is always some in EVERY state that do not follow all the traffic laws, but this one will take some money out of their pocket for disobeying and blocking traffic. Maybe that is the only way for some jerks to get out of the left lane.

  31. Joe, the comments on here prove that many people drive in the passing lane, aka fast lane for spite. It is particularly evident in Virginia. 2 simple rules: don't cruise in the left lane and if you are in the left lane AND NOT PASSING, move over if another vehicle is trying to pass. If they are speeding, it's not your job to enforce the law - that's what troopers are for.
    Stop being rude!!!

  32. 9:04 In that situation, I just call 911 and report the vehicle doing 75 as reckless and possible drunk driver and let the universe unfold as it is intended to. After they get pulled over a few times and hassled, maybe they will get the message.

    That is what we do now. Any aggressive or tailgating driver gets reported to the police on 911. State what activity happened and that they appear drunk. That gets the LEO to locate and stop the person.

  33. 1:26 Funny that is what I do when I encounter people in the left lane who won't pull over to the right lane. I call 911 on my hands free phone and report that the person is weaving all over over the highway.

  34. Don't need to be hands free if calling 911. Must be another born here that ain't be needing no education.

  35. March 22, 2017 at 2:32 PM:

    You state that which you do not know what you are talking about. You are certainly no lawyer.

  36. You don't need any of them degrees to know what the law is. I been unsuccessfully defending myself in court for years, so there!

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    March 22, 2017 at 2:32 PM:

    You state that which you do not know what you are talking about. You are certainly no lawyer.

    March 26, 2017 at 5:07 PM

    Shows how much you THINK you know. What I copied and pasted came from a LAW site. Maybe you should do your own research and actually learn what the law says instead of driving by the seat of your pants and emotions.

  38. Stupid drivers are plucking my last nerve. Just tonight in Lewes on rt1 asswipe in left lane. Then he starts slowing down and hitting his brakes so I try to go around. Of course Mr. Ego just HAS to speed up and not let me over. I swear it makes me want to just start shooting these morons. I would be doing a public service by thinning the herd of stupid people and stupid drivers.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Don't need to be hands free if calling 911. Must be another born here that ain't be needing no education.

    March 26, 2017 at 4:36 PM

    Dude, get a life, AND a brain. That cliche is old, boring and says more about you that the ones you are trying to insult.

  40. In this area, people sometimes slow traffic down in the left lane, anyway, creating a convoy of agitated highway users who can’t get around because too many other cars are passing them on the right already.

    But should failure to abide by those lessons, learned along ago by some drivers, result in a ticket?

    According to one Maryland lawmaker, the answer is yes.

    So far, the bill introduced by Frederick County Del. William Folden has cleared the Maryland House of Delegates, and now awaits a vote in the Senate.

    If passed, it would only affect numbered highways with at least three lanes going in the same direction, and a speed limit of at least 55 mph. That would include the beltway, Route 50, and Interstate 270.

    But it would not apply during rush hour or any other time traffic is bottling up, or if that driver was about to turn or exit from the left lane.

    Folden tells The Washington Post it’s about easing up some of the bottlenecks that occur on the roads when one person stifles the flow of traffic around them.

    He also argues it would reduce incidents of road rage and aggressive driving, since fewer drivers would be weaving in and out of other lanes so they could pass on the right.

    And this law will save lives. Less chance of a road rager killing some jerk who won't move over or speed up with the flow of traffic. I will personally applaud each cop I see pulling over each one of these non driving fools.

  41. March 26, 2017 at 8:27 PM

    I know what you mean. I can forgive stupid drivers more than idiots who do dumb things on purpose. They act like it's a personal insult or something when others pass them, but they just refuse to move over and let traffic move smoothly. With these new laws being passed I hope enough money gets taken from them for them to finally wise up.

    How many times have you travelled down a highway and seen 3 or more vehicles involved in an accident because they were tailgating some slow poke ahead of them and they brake checked them or whatever and they all read ended the one in front of them?

    Totally unnecessary and bad driving on each ones part. They cause thousands of dollars damage and risk bodily injury because some fool won't move over into the correct lane and others can't get by.

    All because of ego and thinking they can change other people's behavior. (which they can't) I hope the traffic cops aggressively target these obstacles and hazards on the highways.

    And a mandatory safe driving class should be included in the punishment as well. They obviously do not know the rules of the road.


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