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Friday, March 10, 2017

Soros fuels Democrats’ push to lower voting age to 17

Stung by recent election defeats, Democrats are leading the charge to lower the voting age to 17, with a little help from liberal billionaire George Soros.

In California, Democratic legislators introduced this week a landmark bill, ACA 10, that would give the Golden State the nation’s youngest statewide voting age by lowering the threshold from 18 to 17 in the name of reversing the slide in voter turnout.

“Young people are our future,” said Democratic Assembly member Evan Low, the measure’s sponsor. “Lowering the voting age will help give them a voice in the democratic process and instill a lifelong habit of voting.”

The proposal comes as the most ambitious of a host of efforts to chip away at the 18-year-old voting age as Democrats seek to bring into the fold younger voters, who traditionally support more liberal causes and candidates than do their elders.

“It is a transparent ploy to pad the Democratic vote,” said John J. Pitney Jr., American politics professor at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, California, referring to the California bill.



  1. lower the voting age to one, that way we can have even more voter fraud.

  2. What's the point? They don't know what they're doing when they vote at age 18!

  3. Yeah, George, you need more dumber voters because the rest of us woke the F up this time around.


  4. If this is the case let them be a "adult" at 17, end child support payments for anyone at 17, be tried as an adult in court at 17 in every case, and get sent to war at 17. Be liable for debts unpaid, smoke cigarettes, whatever can be done at the current 18 age. You cant just get to vote and not get all that comes along with changing the "adult" age.

  5. not enough Demomcrats to get this passed

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What's the point? They don't know what they're doing when they vote at age 18!

    March 10, 2017 at 8:18 PM

    Thats similar to what I was thinking. 17yo can barely tie their own shoes and some of them cannot pull their pants up. It should be raised to 21. After all, the gov't doesn't think they should be allowed to buy a handgun until then so why let them vote before then.

  7. Actually, we should go back to the pre-Nixon era where you had to be 21 to vote in elections. People at 18 storming in the streets prove they aren't mature enough to handle the responsibility because they can't do defeat very well. Maturity is when one loses, the acceptance is with grace not tyranny and temper tantrums while clinging to carebear dogs and warm blankies.

  8. Does anyone remember why it was lowered to 18 from 21? Quick history lesson for those who do not. I stems from the Vietnam war and the draft. 18 - 20 year old's felt that if the government felt they were old enough to have the responsibility to handle multi-million dollar pieces of equipment, and more importantly old enough to fight and DIE for their country, that they were old enough and responsible enough to decide who should be making laws and in what direction the they wanted their country to go!

  9. 17 yo snowflake in 2017 is a 10 yo.

  10. Should raise it to 21 and not allowed to vote if you receive government entitlements.

  11. Should raise the voting age to 21 or 25. Most of the kids even the college educated ones are ignorant. Most of them don't even know who the sitting President is. And if they do they have no clue who the Vice President is. Just watch these street interviews they don't even know how many states make up the United States. You can ask them anything and these snowflakes will answer showing how stupid they are. Tell them there is some extinct dinosaur in the zoo and they will agree with you and go right along believing it. Sad to think they will be the only ones left to run the world someday. Wow scary.


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