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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Socialism's Big Truth


  1. LOL he had not problem buying a third home and a hot sportscar with all that millennial money, did he?

  2. And only pay 13% in income taxes 🙄

  3. As usual, out of somebody else's pocket....

  4. Good one. So many libtards don't get it.
    I love it when I talk to one and they say that everyone should pay their fair share. The rich shoul pay more, etc. I then ask: How much is "their fair share" ??? They always look like a deer in the headlights then say, "Well...more".
    If they feel that the government can spend money better than us, why not give them everything? Oh, I guess that's TOO much, huh.

  5. Do as he says! (Not as he does.)

    Sanders panders to the less-than-mature and realistic minds who believe that the world can provide for all without limit. It's admirable, but a fantasy.

  6. 922 that's the only one buying Sanders's bull hockey. He can only pitch his snake oils to people who don't know any better.

  7. Bernie looks so cute in that picture and well... so Bernie!


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