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Thursday, March 09, 2017

Showdown at the White House: Cummings & Trump Meet

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings went head to head with President Donald Trump Wednesday to figure out a way to combat the sky high prices of prescription drugs.

Many wondered when this meeting would take place. President Trump criticized Congressman Cummings just a few weeks ago.

The sit-down lasted a little more than an hour. Cummings said the president is on top of it and “he gets it,” in regards to prescription drug prices.

“This meeting was first talked about when I ran into the president at his inaugural luncheon,” Cummings said.



  1. Lock Cummings UP !!! This Racist Hate Monger !!!

  2. They must have stayed on the single topic...

  3. First of all, I won't lose faith or respect for President Donald J. Trump. At the same time I'm sure he has reason to meet with this trash, even though it is disappointing.
    The president campaigned on this topic. He spoke out long before this loser wanted to do a photo opt with the president. This cat is not worthy of breathing the air around our great president.

  4. He just there the try to Get All he can from Trump....to
    play him ........to give USA away to Blacks Like Dems did !!

  5. Now I guess how this meeting went depends on who is telling you about it.. this CBS story portrays it as combative with their hero Mr Cummings getting in his licks.

    "Head-to-head showdown.."

    Another portrayal had it much more cordial.

    Cummings emerged saying Trump "gets it", and that he has much more faith in Mr Trump.

    So let's skip the drama, CBS. Just relate the facts.

  6. Trump needs the support of every Senator good or bad. it does not matter. remember it is better to keep your enemies close.

  7. If you want to deal with prescription drug costs and how the monopoly the drug companies have hurts working families, you'll want Democratic support. The Republicans will probably push back in the name of "the market." Personally, I'm glad Trump is willing to work with whomever he needs to in order to advance his vision.

  8. Cummings needs to be serving coffee to Trump, and not meeting him or being listened too.

  9. He planting BUGS in the White House !!! watch out

  10. 1:26pm
    That's a really low comment! Do you think you're living back in the 1950's?

    1. additionally, you insulted all those who work in restaurants inferring they are slaves who wait on people....I bet you voted for Hillary too as well..

  11. Not sure I want restaurant workers running Congress, 1:26, but I do see your point!


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