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Sunday, March 05, 2017

She’s Baaaaaack: Hillary Clinton Eyes Starting Own TV Show To Position Herself For Run In 2020

Though she has largely faded from public prominence after her “crushing” defeat last November, Hillary Clinton is determined “not to fade into the background,” according to Clinton insiders. Apparently unable to register the fact that she was arguably the most unpopular and unelectablepresidential candidate of all time, Clinton is already plotting her come-back for a run in the 2020 presidential election. According to Clinton insiders who spoke to best-selling author Ed Klein, Clinton has “been talking very seriously about the idea of having her own television show.”

In discussing what such a show would entail, Clinton has suggested that she would host the program, where she would “discuss the issues of the day from a progressive point of view, have top guests, interview world leaders and progressive thinkers.” Klein’s source further asserted that Clinton is “convinced she’d get fabulous ratings in a political climate where there’s so much anger in Democratic circles over Donald Trump’s election.”



  1. I don't know anyone who would watch her show...no one!

  2. I guess she will be taking the daytime slot for the Jerry Spring show!!!
    Daytime tv is a wasteland of trash. Good place for white trash is daytime TV!
    Maybe she will take Barbara Walters place on the View, that pretend to be fair and balanced liberal talk show!

  3. I hope she gets it. Then when it fails, it'll be joy to watch.

  4. It will be viewed on channel 666

  5. I will be like watching a stump grow...boring at best and it will fail.

  6. what's the definition of insanity?
    Maybe her first 2 guests will be Pelosi and Waters. It will be like the View on steroids.

  7. It would be a remake of the old show "To Tell The Truth".......but this time it would be a cartoon comedy that would not last a full season!

  8. She couldn't pack a high school auditorium when running for President...and she's convinced she'll get good ratings? That's funny right there.

  9. Run for Dog Catcher !!! That's all she will get !!!

  10. Life in prison staring Hillary Clinton

  11. does anyone take her seriously now?

  12. She is TOAST !!! No more runs for ANY office !!!

  13. I hope she does. I really have started to enjoy watching the clintons fail!! I will bring the popcorn and beer!

  14. Oh man, we could only wish for this. The comedy would replace SNL and with her running against President Donald J. Trump, he could maybe finally get some rest. He wouldn't have to campaign to whoop her again. He could continue working and saving money for the taxpayers.

  15. The evil witch just won't go away.


  16. Cooking show? Heard her recipe has been famous since 1992; that's 25 years for those who are not math majors.

    Or a morning stretch exercise program? Calisthenics with Cankles!

    Travelog? She tours State and Federal prisons and compares amenities.

    Dancing Behind Bars?

    We're in for a treat!

  17. This post is some funny stuff.

  18. Her books don't sell, no one likes her, and she lost the election. But her psychosis tells her she could be successful on TV? Maybe in La La Land but not in the real world.

  19. She is a looser, a liar and most important responsible for 4 Americans dying in Bengazi!!! Who would watch only crazy people who believe anything!


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