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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Schumer: Trump Speech 'Detached From Reality'

President Donald Trump's Tuesday night address to Congress will be "forgotten in a day or two," according to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

"Where's the action? Where's the doing things that help working people? That's what we want," Schumer said Wednesday on NBC's "Today."

"With this president, more than any other, his speeches are detached from reality. In his campaign and even in his inaugural speech, he talks to the working people of America. But for the last 40 days, his actions have been decidedly on the side of the special interests hurting working America," Schumer said.



  1. Schumer is a Christian hating Jew.

  2. Schumer is the one detached from reality.

    Every word out of his mouth is from some fantasy world.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 2, 2017 at 1:50 PM

    SCHMUCK Chuck has been living in the democrat bubble listening to loonies with double personalities like MADAME Nancy Pelosi, POCAHANTAS Liz Warren, QUEEN Hilda Clinton, COCKER-SPANIEL Debbie Wasserman Schultz & many other delusional rats. So it's no wonder he changes his position so often, he doesn't know where to stand. Anti-Christian Jew kissing up to Muslims, Feminists, Progressives, Communists and LGBT Rainbow Warriors, What a Mess! SMH!

  4. Schumer and his progressive liberal DemocRATs are out of touch with the real America. The only ones they are in touch with is the lazy ones who wants something for nothing on public assistance and wants the government to supply them with their wants without having to take responsibility or pay for them.

  5. When the democrats refused to stand and work with the president it's already been decided. No point of commenting on how bad or good he is.

  6. When I see Chuck Schumer, I see a little kids sitting in the corner stomping his feet and crying because someone stole his ball.
    Suck it up Chucky, cause your momma ain't coming!

  7. Obviously he has the backing of the construction unions,democrats have done NOTHING for the working man.

  8. Schumer is the one detatched from reality.

  9. Oh Chuckie, you old out of date gray beard. Time is flying so enjoy the next 4 years because you will NOT be re-elected!!!

  10. He is a hateful Bastard and no right being in the position he is in. A poor excuse for someone in this position and needs to be defeated!!!

  11. Wipe the old guy sleep out of your eyes and look around. There's more going on leading to jobs creation than what your party did in eight years, new government jobs not counted.

  12. I will tell you that Chucky is detached from reality. He doesn't even know what reality this. This Country has Rejected Your Twisted Liberal Agenda, Chucky. Nobody Likes You and Your Party is in its Last Throws!

    Mark My Words: Within Two Years, Three Tops, there will be no more Democrat Party. They are self-destructing and I Am Loving It!!!

  13. "his speeches are detached from reality". Nobody is more detached from reality and the Constitution than the Democratic Party. They are self destructing at a wildfire pace, and that's a good thing.

  14. Get Rid of this SCUM Shumer.....He waisting taxpayer $$$

    on his personal WITCH HUNTS after Trump and Republicans !!

  15. Trump is bringing out the worst in the democrats....and that is GOOD for the Republican party.


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