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Monday, March 13, 2017

School administrators don’t have much tolerance for student’s ‘straight pride’ posters

JASPER, Ind. – At least one student at Jasper High School has heard enough from his LGBT classmates.

The unidentified 16-year-old posted “Straight Pride” posters at Jasper High School last week, and the hilarious notices are not going over so well with school officials, the Dubois County Herald reports.

“Celebrate being straight at JHS by not annoying the heck out of everyone about your sexual orientation!” read the flyers, posted in the school’s hallways after classes last Thursday. “It’s easy! Just come to the JHS, then you go about your day without telling everyone about how ‘different’ and ‘special’ you are!”

The straight pride posters were “brought to you by all the students that are sick of hearing about your LGBT pride,” they continued.



  1. Finally even the kids are tired of hearing all the nonsense from the attention seeking 1%

  2. What each school should do worry about your dam work not what your not

  3. I LOVE IT!!!! This student said what everyone else is thinking. If you want to fit in.... well, fit in. Don't put on a neon light telling everyone how different you are and then get upset when they acknowledge you're different.

  4. Make that kid principal.

  5. This student is a genius! This automatically qualifies him for the Dean's List!

  6. We need some straight only schools.

  7. That's right America. Teach our kids to bully anyone who is different.Do any of you shorebillies have any clue how many of these LGBT kids commit suicide? No,of course not and many of you don't care.You can be against LGBT and still act like a civilized human and treat people the way you want to be treated.


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