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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Salisbury MSP Press Release 3-7-17 (Shots Fired)


  1. Glad that ankle monitor helped! Lock his behind up for a long time.

  2. 4:07pm-exactly. Libs who want to take away guns from LAW ABIDING citizens can't seem to comprehend the fact that criminals don't care about the law...they will get their guns regardless, and then it's the LAW ABIDING citizens who can no longer defend themselves.

  3. They said BLACK......OMG....that is sooooooo racist....according to Democrats

    1. Im black and live near by. Lock his black triphlin no good ignorant ass up there was many elderly people home at the time

  4. What is the answer to combat these types of incidents? Suggestions for members of law enforcement? How is the Mayor's office at fault? Most importantly what do our so called community leaders suggest?

    1. BECAUSE fool if the mayor would respond to where the HIGH crime is then the cops could patrol these areas but since obastard tied the hands of the cops x 8 yrs the idiots like the Mayor and SPD are still stuck in the liberal way with there EYES CLOSED so not to piss off the Thugs.

    2. Robinson Street isn't in the City Limits dude, like chill.

  5. Just toss him in jail and throw away the key,unless the MSP wants us to keep reading about how bad he is and how great they are each time they catch him.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Glad that ankle monitor helped! Lock his behind up for a long time.

    March 7, 2017 at 4:07 PM

    It will help, place him at the scene at the time of incident.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    4:07pm-exactly. Libs who want to take away guns from LAW ABIDING citizens can't seem to comprehend the fact that criminals don't care about the law...they will get their guns regardless, and then it's the LAW ABIDING citizens who can no longer defend themselves.

    March 7, 2017 at 4:18 PM

    He was a MINOR in possession of a handgun. If LAW ABIDING CITIZENS allow their firearms to be taken from them, they deserve everything that happens to them.

    1. Yup but he is just a BABY THUG.until next week.18.

    2. Who is he? Name should been published as he should been charged as an adult

  7. That ankle bracelet really impressed him. The consequences of breaking the law while wearing it also apparently impressed him.
    Although there are many liberal people who believe this no brain loser has a future as a possible electrical engineer or maybe an English teacher, the truth is that he has molded his future and its not good.
    It's unfortunate (to me, anyway) that the homeowner didn't fire back at him and put a bullet or two in him, somewhere above the neck line.
    Now, it looks like they'll be taking some of my paycheck (and yours, too) for the rest of my life so he can get his GED and rise to some position in the prison gang.
    Lets bring back hard labor, no A/C, and chain gangs to clean the highways and streets. Make jail a place you NEVER want to go and if you DO go, you NEVER want to go back. Now, it's just a place to hone criminal skills and get some street cred.
    Lastly, stop making honest citizens FEEL like a criminal (and get treated like one by the State gestapo) for wanting to carry a gun.
    That's why I never asked them if it was okay if I carried.....and if someone punk is hassling you in the parking lot and when you look around, there ain't a cop in sight, you'll thank God there's a citizen like me coming to your aid.
    Cue the cheering.

  8. 5:57-was it taken, or stolen, or bought illegally. Do share...seems like you are in the know.

  9. Sickening. Im sick. My family lives on that street near by. That street is a majority of retired people and elderly. Been there 60+ years. Since people have died and the gni s and other rental agencies have bought the homes, nothing but riff raff and trash moving in, causing chaos and havoc, expecially their lack of home trained children. I am going to invest in some weapons and take gun classes.

  10. This ankle bracelet was apparently just a fashion statement, not a deterrent or tracking device.

  11. I just want to know why are you guys attacking the mayor when this had in unincorporated area of salisbury... You should address your concerns with Bob Culver, Sheriff Lewis, or it's current county representative.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:57-was it taken, or stolen, or bought illegally. Do share...seems like you are in the know.

    March 7, 2017 at 6:51 PM

    why don't you stop being a jackass. the point was he is not allowed to have a handgun if he was a criminal or not.

  13. He is such a good boy! He dindu nuffin!

  14. People need to start holding these judges responsible for all the "slaps on the wrists". If you commit a crime do the time, period.

  15. How can this be, owemalley's gun control bullsh!! was going to end crime once and for all.

  16. go out for a walk at night, get da buried in about 4 days

  17. "Anonymous said...

    What is the answer to combat these types of incidents? Suggestions for members of law enforcement? How is the Mayor's office at fault? Most importantly what do our so called community leaders suggest?

    March 7, 2017 at 4:53 PM"

    The answer is real simple but unfortunately the so called community leaders are lying garbage themselves. Crime would dramatically decline if these kids lived in a real family unit with both a mother and a father who are both positive role models. These kids are born to nothing but baby machines whores who spread their legs for any thug criminal who looks at them. These so called humans never evolved into civilized human beings and see children as nothing more then more government benefits. The so called community leaders and those in organizations like the naacp will never admit this because none of them have an honest moral bone in their rancid bodies. These are kids who are born into this world with not one moral person in their lives.
    They are surrounded by liars, thugs, criminals and baby machines.

  18. Dovers crime dwarfs Salisbury's by comparison.


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