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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Report: DNC Purges all Staff

All Democratic National Committee staffers have been asked to submit their resignations amidst party turmoil, according to a new report.

Narrowly elected DNC Chairman Tom Perez assumed the post in late February. Immediately after his election, staff were asked to submit their resignations by April 15, according to NBC News.

The report cited “multiple sources familiar with the party’s internal working” when it stated that Leah Daughtry, an adviser to disgraced outgoing chair Donna Brazile, made the request. Brazile has now admitted that while working for CNN during the 2016 presidential election she leaked debate questions to then Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The establishment-wing’s Perez is the party’s third leader within months, as the party attempts to recover from a disastrous 2016 election for the Democrats. More changes are expected in “major staffing and structure changes,” according to the report.

December layoffs brought staff levels to a low point, according to the report.



  1. What is his Russian / ISIS connection? He definitely has connections.

  2. All the present staff are now recognized as total liars, so they need to replace them with unknown liars!

  3. let the roaches scatter.

  4. So Hillary knew the questions and lied once again about it. WHen will people see her for who she is? Aren't you glad she did not become our next President?

  5. 4:03

    This country avoided an asteroid hit by not electing that criminal B$$$$


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